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Jesse Coffey

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Son, daughter of "homophobic", "racist" Missouri House candidate advise against voting for him · 3:45am Nov 2nd, 2018

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)—The son and daughter of a Missouri House candidate are urging people not to vote for him because he regularly espouses racial and homophobic views and dislikes Jews and Muslims.

Steve West, 64, gained attention after winning the August Republican primary for a northwest Missouri House seat when word spread about views he frequently expressed on a radio show.

"I can't imagine him being in any level of government," his daughter, Emily West, told The Kansas City Star on Monday.

On Tuesday, her brother, Andy West, told the newspaper his father is "a fanatic" who must be stopped.

"If he gets elected, it would legitimize him," Andy West said. "Then he would become a state official, and he's saying that Jews shouldn't even have civil rights."

The West children became more concerned when they recently drove through the Clay County district Steve West would represent and saw several yard signs supporting him.

Anti-Semitism is gaining national attention after the shooting deaths of 11 Jewish people Saturday at a synagogue in Pittsburgh by a gunman who allegedly said "I just want to kill Jews."

Steve West, who denies that he is anti-Semitic, denounced the shootings Monday, and said some of his comments have been taken out of context.

"I would never condone any violence against any people because of a specific race or religion or anything else," he said.

Andrew West doubted his father would commit violence but said he has the same objective as the Pittsburgh shooter, which is "the removal of Jews from America."

In his Oct. 15 radio show, called "The Hard Truth with Jack Justice," West complained about the relationship between the United States and Israel.

"They have been running this assault on America," he said. "They have been giving us gay marriage, pornography, abortion, everything that's anti-Christian . This is what they do. This is how they corrupt a Christian nation, because they are an anti-Christ people."

Emily West said her father's views have caused a rift between him and his children. She has not spoken to him since he rejected her suggestion that he drop out of the race after he won in August.

West blames his ex-wife for his children's rejection.

"I had a toxic divorce from my ex-wife and she's poisoned my kids, and I have to live with that," he said.

Rep. Jon Carpenter, the Democratic incumbent running against West, said Monday many people supporting West may not know about his views.

"I'm deeply disturbed by his candidacy," he said, "and it's my hope that the voters of the 15th District overwhelmingly reject that kind of bigotry on election day."

After West won in August, the Missouri Republican Party issued a statement saying his "abhorrent rhetoric has absolutely no place in the Missouri Republican Party or anywhere. We wholeheartedly condemn his comments."

Karen Aroesty, regional director of ADL Heartland, said those who espouse hateful rhetoric bear some responsibility when violence erupts. She said voters will have to decide if someone with West's views belongs in the state Legislature.

"I would question how (people with such views) make public policy for an entire constituency," she said. "But people are going to have to make that choice. I can't make that choice for them."

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Comments ( 29 )

If this is true, that mf needs to be shot. He's a disgrace to the Republican Party and does not represent our views at all.

Welcome to Trump's America, where the news is made up and civil rights don't matter.
I'm not vehemently or even knee-jerk anti-Red but goddamn y'all make yourselves really hard to like sometimes.
I forget who said it, I think it was one of the Ryans, back during the Obama-Romney race, he said that the Republican party needs to stop being the "stupid party" or something similar.

Caveat, I'm also not vehemently or knee-jerk pro-Blue either. I'm a Progressive Independent, because FDR et al proved that shit works. Independent is the 21st century party, it gives you the leeway to vote for civil rights and against bigotry and ignorance, or for whatever halfway sensible thing the right comes out with and against regulation that won't really accomplish much in the long run as you so choose.

Instead of voting straight party line and ending up with a man like this in office for the simple fact that he's not a Democrat. We don't have to be as ignorant as our parents and grandparents are and keep towing their line.

He must be doing something right if he got elected. Things are finally looking up. I'm not ruling out that Barack didn't contribute, he wasn't the worst president we've had, but he could've done better. Some of his policies were crippling. He's added more to our national debt than every other president before him combined. Washington all the way to G.W. Bush. Trump hasn't brought it down, that I know of, but the economy is booming and rising every year. These tariffs he's adding and the tax cuts are actually causing the corporations to pay more taxes, I didn't believe it at first either, but it's true. I had my doubts about Donald Trump, but he has proven to be a man of the people and I respect him. I just wish he would stay off of Twitter.

FDR was actually a racist scumbag. To win the support of Southern Democrats (the same ones from the Anti-Semetic, anti-Black, anti-everyone else except white KKK),

he twisted the policies of the New Deal and Social Security so that black people were not included. He was actually admired by fascists, such as Mussolini for his policies.

That's wild. If you haven't read Death Of A Nation by Dinesh D'Souza (or seen the film), I highly recommend it. The Republicans have never been the bad guys. It had always been the Democrats.

Oh no its retarded.
Kek okay dude. Vote red and watch your state crumble into a third world country because repugs are unilaterally pieces of shit. Vote Trump and endorse bigotry, sexism, screeching retardery, and gross incompetence, and watch the market recovery we've made due to Obama's policies (something I've noticed with repugs. None of them seem to know how economics or the Presidency work, that during the Obama administration we were still under the Bush market and debt increases, and that we saw recovery under Obama due to the beginnings of the influence of the administration on the market and that now we're at the cap of the Obama market before Trump kicks the fucking bottom out of it again).

Or that Democrats and Republicans swapped names at some point in history. When you say

Anti-Semetic, anti-Black, anti-everyone else except white KKK

Democrats you're either talking about what would be called Republicans today or spouting bullshit spun by someone else who didn't get the memo either. The Republicans have always been the bad guy. Lincoln would have been a Democrat if he had run today.

No. That will happen if you vote Democrat.

Sorry dude, I'm not comfortable around idiots, so I'm gonna duck out here.
Crack open a book sometime, that isn't written or edited by Repugs, or getting your news somewhere other than Fox & Friends.

I don't even watch fox.

You have your right not to.

I dunno. I feel like Hillary would've been worse.

It might just be a crazy conspiracy theory, but I think she killed JFK Jr.

I need a bit more than just someone saying things about another person. I don't know about the family history, if this offspring has a personal vendetta against their father, what if anything the father has done in the past that could be considered any of these things. I'm reluctant to believe anything involving these kinds of claims because the media and others have bleed any real meaning and weight out of "Nazi, Racist, Homophobe" have had because they used it for people who weren't even remotely these things. Even if this person is not the media, they have made a diehard skeptic out of me from their misuse of these labels.

Finally, a voice of reason.

What are the odds that he is announced as the front runner ahead of Hillary in the New York Senate race? He then dies in a plane crash a few days later.

Conspiracy theorists believe it was a setup. There's also Seth Rich, but people dismiss him as a conspiracy as well.

Many thanks
I try and approach things from a fair position. There is a possibility that this guy could be exactly what he's being accused of, but I've seen too many lies and exaggerations of things to ever hear these claims and have faith in who's saying them; only evidence would make me believe otherwise. If they can back it up and the guy has had a past with these kinds of things he deserves to be denounced as his actions give the G.O.P a bad image. If only I would see more of that from the Democratic Party.

I try not to be biased, but the left has become socialist lunatics who want to abolish the constitution. They want the entire North American Continent to become a Union like the EU. They have a headquarters already set up in Quebec City, Canada. If they form a North American Union, America will no longer be a sovereign nation, Canada will no longer be a sovereign nation, and Mexico will no longer be a sovereign nation.

Snopes, the popular fact-checking website has dismissed this as false, but I discovered that it is a biased site run by leftists as well. So I can't even trust them anymore. What do they have to hide? Their job is to inform us so that we are not deceived, but instead they are deceiving us and blatantly lying to our faces. It's disgraceful. Do not be fooled.

I can approach a Liberal with decency and respect. They may have different views than mine but I feel with a good bit of candor they want to better the nation. I can’t do the same with a Leftist, which is what Democrats seem to have become. A liberal believes that race doesn’t matter. A leftist believes race is everything. A liberal believes in the constitution and the beliefs on which American was founded. A leftist cares about leftist beliefs and power. Hillary had everyone bending over backwards to get her elected, they tried everything; they failed. And ever since then they’ve been doing everything to cling to their power at every turn.

The EU was the left’s finest creation. It was supposed to have very little power, very little influence. Just something to make European nations like each other a bit more. It turned into what rules the European nations. Yet now what they built is having key pieces fall out of place, it’s no wonder they feel desperate and are giving it all they have.

Many news sources and social media seem to have left loyalty.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I was called crazy for trying to point this out.

it's not hard to notice if you look for it and have an open mind, (something democrats and leftist don't often have)
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Yeah, man, it's ridiculous.

hopefully this insanity is remedied in time

Time will tell, it always does

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