This is not my return. · 5:27pm May 10th, 2018
I unleashed a new short story today and it feels nice to get some writing out of my system. Yet, due to my current situation, I unfortunately am still on a hiatus until further notice. I got a lot of work to deal with, along with pushing as hard as I can for my bach. degree. Therefore, I don't really have that much time to put enough effort and quality into my stories that I usually like. Luckily, I had a window of opportunity recently to crank something quick out to put a new story on my account and declare that I'm not dead or done with writing!
Writing is still a passion of mine, but I don't get the chance too often to express it! Oh well!
Until then! Take care my friends!
- Nugget
Glad to see you are not dead, good luck on getting the bachelors degree as soon as possible.
Glen Gorewood
You're alive!
Hey! Nice to see you again! And good luck with your degree!
Thank you!