• Member Since 28th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Synthetic Soul

Doing and writing whatever I want, whenever I want, whoever I want, whying I want.

More Blog Posts37

  • 307 weeks
    I made a thing

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  • 309 weeks

    Sorry I haven't updated in a little while, I'm in the home stretch of my final term at college. Once that's done, I hope to be able to update more frequently. I didn't have any time during spring break, because I actually went to LA during that week to learn about the animation and illustration fields, so I was pretty busy. But don't worry, I still want to update my stories, and I will once I

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    0 comments · 308 views
  • 360 weeks
    Update (Twitch Streams, Deviant art, story updates)

    Hey fellow human beings, I'm just taking a moment to let you know, that I've started Twitch Streaming. I've put out a blog like this years ago, but I couldn't figure out the bugs, but now I've got everything fixed. If you want to watch me play games, and be an asshole then here: https://www.twitch.tv/crackerhumps

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    3 comments · 472 views
  • 385 weeks
    Looking for female voice actors

    Hello all, as the title says, I am looking for female voice actors. I am doing a comic dub for YouTube and Vidme, and I need actor(s) for two roles. I am willing to pay $10 to each voice actor over PayPal or something. If you're interested, PM me. Thanks for your time!

    0 comments · 379 views
  • 409 weeks
    MLP Animated Music video is done

    The music video I've been working on for a while is done. Tell me what you think!

    2 comments · 393 views

Update (Twitch Streams, Deviant art, story updates) · 2:01am Mar 22nd, 2018

Hey fellow human beings, I'm just taking a moment to let you know, that I've started Twitch Streaming. I've put out a blog like this years ago, but I couldn't figure out the bugs, but now I've got everything fixed. If you want to watch me play games, and be an asshole then here: https://www.twitch.tv/crackerhumps

Oh yeah, and also, I haven't uploaded many chapter updates in a while, and my excuse is school. But I will be done with full time school by the end of April, and even though I'll have a few summer classes, I will have more time to work on stories and such. But I do have to finish, or at least make significant progress on a Transformers Stop motion for Youtube. But hopefully I'll be able to update my stories more frequently soon. One of the other things that's been taking up my time lately has been my working on Deviantart comics. If you want to read them, here you go: https://crackerhumps.deviantart.com

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Please tell me your continuing kindred spirts

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