Update and support for a friend · 1:31am Mar 10th, 2018
A friend of mine, and incidentally the artist who made the cover art for Two in Exile, has finally found a good job opportunity. Sadly, it's not exactly a short drive there, which is why she needs help actually getting there for the first weeks until the job starts paying itself.
So if you're from the financially stable part of society and have a few dollars spare, please consider helping her out. This isn't some big expense or set goal, it's about buying gas for her car to get to work, so every dollar really does count. You can find her blog post with the relevant links here.
And no, Two In Exile isn't dead. It's still at the top of my writing list and the next chapter has been sitting half-finished for a while. So how about for every dollar you support her with, you can give me a proberbial kick (that's Latin for "kick for words") to get my lazy ass back to writing.
...no offense meant to any donkeys in the audience.