[FANFICTION FRIDAY] Friday Night Update · 5:06am Jan 27th, 2018
Lost Little Wolf is off to an early lead with 8 votes (and I expected it would, anyway). Coming in second is Fission (but then, I expected that, too). Fallen Star pulls in last so far with a single vote (and I'm pretty sure I know who cast said vote).
Double Trixie Trouble falls from grace and joins the "zero votes" club, alongside Generations of Heroes, Destiny is Like Turtle Wax, Agents of S.M.I.L.E., Destiny with a Capital 'D', and Statutory Consequences.
Remember, if you haven't cast your vote, the poll remains open until Sunday evening. (Hopefully I won't catch the flu like I did the last time I ran a poll)
Vote here: https://poll.ly/#/Ly3m1mmD