Night Shift - Sacred and Wild: Post Halloween Update · 11:39pm Nov 1st, 2017
Greetings everypony!
This is just a quick update to bring you patient followers some fantastic news. I have gotten back to writing Sacred & Wild again! Does that mean that it will soon be complete? Well... no, not quite. I have the third chapter done in first draft, and am currently editing it into a second. It still needs to be proof read.
I did want to get it done for Halloween, but unfortunately college, mental health and general limitations on concentration meant that this couldn't be. However that's not to say you'll be waiting half a year for the story to be complete. I aim to get the whole story finished before Christmas, as I do have a couple of other things to prioritise before that, including college assignments.
I will not be participating in NaNoWriMo, considering how utterly terrible my concentration is. So consider November to be "Clean up stories and get shit finished for a change" month :P. After Sacred and Wild is done, I'm going to attempt another horror story that will be a sequel to "The Depths". I've tried writing two or three versions so far, and just haven't been happy with any of them.
However, after taking some time away to write something more familiar and reading fanfics of similar themes, I think I have an idea! Depending on how that goes, I may/may not be able to get "Dance of Death" finished in January as well!
But this is all speculation at this present time. Point is, "Sacred and Wild" will be updating with a new chapter soon. It is written, just needs to be polished 'till it shines.
Thank you for your patience, and I need a new sign out catchphrase :P.
Glad to hear it, and go at your own pace we can wait.