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A JD Review: MLP Season 7 Episode 23 - "Secrets and Pies" · 5:19am Oct 15th, 2017

The one where the bad fan art made it in the show.

Move aside Zecora. Best MLP villain por siempre!

So, this episode is about Pinkie discovering that Rainbow Dash is throwing away all the delicious pies that Pinkie makes for her. Pure cruelty. At first, I was a little concerned why Rainbow would be doing such a thing without giving Pinkie a reason, but then she admits that she just doesn't like pie. Okay. Understandable (not a fan of most pie myself). However, why not just tell Pinkie you don't like pie to begin with? I get that Rainbow doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but still...

Overall, pretty good episode. The humor was great. Message could have been better. 8/10. What were your thoughts?

Report JDPrime22 · 373 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

I don't really give a shit

Then why watch the review.

Cause I like talking to the main man on this page and like to be the first commenter

That is.... I have no words for how dull and dumb it sounds.

You think it's dumb to just have a conversation with one of the author's your following, do you even know the definition of dump?

I know the definition of dump AND dumb. Also it's not talking with the author that's dumb. It's you going 'I MUST BE FIRST!' that's grating AND you saying you don't really care for the review and just here to talk when you could easily attempt that on PMs and save space for people who came here for the review.

I did care about the review I read the damn thing and I figured I give some opinion of mine in the comments, so next time don't be a judgemental ass

Maybe word the thoughts about it a little better then coming across as just a smug first class twat.

I mean there's only so much you can take away from 'I don't give a shit'.

Coming from the prick who's too quick to judge, oh thats something important to take in

And there it is. The whole 'I'm better because I'm not quick to judge' bullshit defense. Where you try and paint yourself a victim when you're actually the real jack ass who's scared because someone called him out on his complete Bullshit.

I'm not better than anyone I was just saying my opinion to JD about this episode and you're the one scared of being called out because you're too sensitive of being corrected and too thick headed to try and understand what others are trying to say, so quick sticking your nose in something where it doesn't belong and stop Cyber Bullying someone just to be aggressive its pathetic

Once upon a time,
You and all your kind lived underneath bridges,
Had ridges for ribs that dropped off into empty chests as if your Hearts were all stolen treasures,
As if an excavation crew were hired to dig up and remove the part Of you that let you feel.
And while the world above you invented the wheel, you stayed put,
Knowing it would one day need to roll over top of you to get to Where it's going.
You had an endlessly flowing supply line of food.
You began to brood over humanity and made meals of our hope,
As if crushing our spirits would make your mirrors cast better Reflections than the ones they gave,
As if the only way you could save yourselves was to make the world Ugly so no one would notice you hiding in it.
You learned to knit pain into a kind of camouflage,
Treated hope like a mirage that you could use to lure in your next meal.
You lived off of our fears, as if you could taste what we feel.
And every night, as the moon read bedtime stories to sunlight.
You took darkness as an invite to head out into the world,
You curled your hands into wrecking balls, your breath became Squalls, you made rocks rumble, you made land shiver
You made boys and girls pray that someone would deliver them From you
We told them you aren't real.
Then one day, the world changed, but you all stayed the same.
Just migrated from living underneath bridges to living underneath Information super-highways.

Do you seriously want to let yourself get dragged into this feud with poetry, well to bad you will get nothing from me from now on

Well this just went completely off the tracks lol

Can I spoil finale now

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