• Member Since 20th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2019

Codex Ex Equus

The writing account of Deus Ex Equus.

More Blog Posts30

  • 294 weeks
    Season Nine (Spoilers, etc.)

    Just a few thoughts on a couple of recent episodes (you can probably guess at least two). Spoilers incoming, obviously.

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  • 295 weeks
    What. (Frenemies spoilers, kind of)

    Okay, so obviously I'm going to be making a blog post about season nine, especially since Frenemies is pretty much the best episode the show's ever had. And I know it's also kind of late for me to post this compared to my usual times.

    But while I was writing it, I found something out, and it's legitimately freaking me out.

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  • 302 weeks
    I've cracked the code on season nine

    Cozy Glow is the Storm King reborn.

    That's why she's so obsessed with getting control of a bunch of followers and taking over everything, she's just continuing from where she left off. Same reason she wants to be Queen, she's just getting her title back (adjusted to fit her new body).

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    3 comments · 601 views
  • 332 weeks

    I hope everyone's ready, because something big is coming tomorrow. Here's a preview image of it, I hope you enjoy it.

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    7 comments · 1,230 views
  • 332 weeks
    Season Eight Finale Part Two Translation (spoilers inside)

    Okay, get your spoilers down below.

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My Little Pony: The Movie (no spoilers) · 12:52am Oct 9th, 2017

I really like it.

Granted, it wasn't perfect or amazing. But it was a solid movie, had some great stuff in it, and I definitely didn't almost start crying at that one part (you know the one if you've seen it). I give it a solid 8.5/10.

Go see it. Seriously, go see it in the theater.

One piece of advice I can give, though (and which isn't a spoiler) is to remember when this movie was written. I believe they first started work on it around the middle of season four, maybe even earlier.

So the bulk of the storyline is rather dated compared to where the show is at now. Despite Starlight's presence ruining this (just like with any episode she shows up in) and despite the official word being that this takes place between seasons seven and eight (even though Twilight's castle is nowhere to be seen in the one shot of Ponyville we get) the story makes a lot more sense if you picture this as happening not too long after Twilight became a Princess.

The Twilight in this movie isn't season seven Twilight. It's season four Twilight, still unsure of herself as a Princess and struggling with her duties and responsibilities and what it all means. Just keep that in mind, and her actions become much more clear.

So, to repeat:


Comments ( 4 )

for me the movie felt rushed at certain parts where rainbow quickly reformed Captain Celaeno and her crew, and the part with the sea ponies. And it was probably due To the movie having to much characters and that their was not time to flesh them out so they feel 1 dimensional their was little to none story development on all these new characters (accept tempest who is awesome). Also storm king was the worst villain I've ever seen they should have made tempest the main villain the movie would have been way better. I really liked this movie but it didn't have any impact on me and the stakes did feel high because storm king was being complete moron. Final score 8/10 #storm king worst villain

I agree things felt rushed, but that fit since the main plot of the movie was Tempest chasing them across the continent. But it also definitely hurt the movie that they spent about five minutes with each group before having to move on. The problem is that these were all billed as major characters, but the movie didn't have any time to spend with them. I'm firmly of the opinion that if the movie had been pushed to two hours, and that time used on the three 'factions' they met up with, it would have been a huge improvement.

I really liked the Storm King, but again there just wasn't enough of him. I was expecting him to be in on the initial invasion, not just make a phone call (although that entire scene was hilarious) and then show up for the last ten minutes of the movie. But like you said, he was definitely lacking in the intimidation department, and Tempest filled that role much better. She really was the villain when you get down to it, the Darth Vader to his Emperor.

If you really want to talk about useless characters, then talk about Grubber. He didn't contribute a single thing to the movie whatsoever. Here's a fun game: pretend he actually exists only in Tempest's mind. He represents the trauma of losing her horn and everything else she lost that day. It actually works really well; other than making that announcement when the airship first lands, I don't think he actually interacts with any other characters besides Tempest.

I agree with you with all these new characters they should have push it to 2hrs so we can get enough screen time with them.

I haven't seen the movie, but I'm still disappointed that they didn't do anything with the princesses. My favorite episodes from MLP are the ones that feature either of the royal sisters in prominent roles, such as in Luna Eclipsed and Royal Problem. It would've so much nicer if they had Luna go with Twilight and her friends to the Seaponies.

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