Farewell project AFTER · 12:33am Jul 3rd, 2017
*Ahem* Guys what I am going to talk about may not be relvant to you all as a lot of you probably never heard of it, don't like it, or really don't care. But, as a lover of riffs, mocks, and all things msting. I think I need to say goodbye to-
Project AFTER/
Now, I'll admit that there are some riffs on there I disagreed with and comments I could only shake my head in wonder [Fallout Equestria being the big one] however, I like to think I did the smart thing and walked away from it without comment or look. It's what I do for reviews of everything I like and it's given me less to complain about.
Hell, I saw some things [a one Dashguy] said about my work and I did what I hope was the right thing. Laughed, nodded, and I hoped I improved a little on my writing.
However, the things they had written and the jokes they presented can't be ingored. They were funny, thought provoking, and most importantly fun. Especially the...Mykan riffs. There was a whole slew of them on there and a lot really helped to focus some of my stuff for Fall of Starfleet. Now that the site will die and the posts dissappear, I fear that stuff will fade from memory. I hope not, because we need stuff like that to tell us the bad and make us enjoy the good more. Also, this is the only place with a riff of season three of my little unicorn starfleet is magic season 3 out there that I can find. Do you know how rare that is? And don't even ask me about season 4 [my least favorite season of the six.]
We need riffs and we always will. Besides, those are their memories, their posts, and their experiences and it's hard to see that go away.
Thanks for listening, Legendbringer out
ps. If anyone can point me in the direction of a season 3 of Starfleet and a season 4 of starfleet riff that is in progress or complete, thanks
Are you still going to make riffs on Mykan's blog posts?
Of course!!!! They will be where they will always be
That's good to know. On another note, do you read Mykan's blog posts about FiM episodes?
No not really. One, is because I haven't a chance to see the episodes with the exception of two [Flurry heart baby sitting and Perfect Pear] so can't really put in my opinion.
Are there any blog posts you have thought of making a riff on?
Keep an eye on my devaintart page
Alright, thank you for telling me.