Whatever happened to [FANFICTION FRIDAY]...? · 12:20am May 8th, 2017
Those who've been paying attention may have noticed that even though I've finished work on Lost Little Wolf ch. 8 I didn't do a Fanfiction Friday poll this weekend. This was on purpose, though the lack of post explaining it was not.
1.) My daughter came down ill this last week with something vaguely flu-like. The doctors are pretty sure it's a virus (pointing at "flu") but other than giving her stuff for the symptoms, they're not doing much else at this point. This has required a larger than usual investment of my time and energy on my favorite princess (not that I'm complaining) so FF would likely have been postponed no matter what.
2.) Most of my writing the last couple years has been at work. There's reasons for this, they're all my own personal hang-ups, and they're mostly being ameliorated as time passes. In the interim, however, I've been using the lulls in the load at work to do some fiction free-writing. (resulting in The Consequences of Good Intentions and Lost Little Wolf; the first six chapters of Fission were binge written in the same way) However, I've been using some of that free time to work on my Front End Web Developer portfolio, something which I was made painfully aware I needed to do this last tax season. It's fun (for me), engaging (again, for me), and easy work, which means that I often lose track of time while I'm doing it. Consequently, the time I used to spend on just d**king around on the computer is being filled by working on earning a $3/hr. raise.
3.) I've joined a creative writing group, and our first writing challenge was issued this week. It's no pony related (thus my not announcing it sooner) and it's definitely Not Safe For Woona, so unless you ask really nicely through a private channel, I'm not gonna tell you how to find the work when it's done. (usual disclaimers about age appropriateness, etc.)
This will help my writing, thus my investing some time and energy into it, but it's not doing anything for my horse-fiction, so it's a trade-off.
If the writing prompt thing goes well, I'm planning another Fanfiction Friday vote this coming week.
Hope everything went well for you during all that.
It did, thanks for the follow-up.
Np. Any ETA on your SI changling story?
Work has been done today, but beyond that I don't want to say too much, just because there's enough left to write I'm hesitant to commit further than "I'll be actively working on it every day."
Damn. Alright then. Hope you can get it finished soon.