• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

More Blog Posts357

  • 8 weeks
    Massive Beyblade update!

    So, I just watched the Beyblade: Metal Masters movie, featuring the likes of Helios and his Bey, Sol Blaze V145AS, and after a lot of thinking and planning out...I have an official storyline/plotline for the events of Metal Masters - New Harmony. This might have spoilers, as I am going for a general overview of how things will go moving forward.
    Arc 1 - The World Tournament Begins!

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    1 comments · 88 views
  • 8 weeks

    So, I’m back in the saddle in terms of getting rid of my writer’s block. I have a chapter in progress for Days of Danger, and another for Echo Solace.

    Stay tuned, and one or the other should be out later today!

    0 comments · 74 views
  • 18 weeks
    An update and some personal notes.

    So, I guess it’s been a while since Christmas and my last blog post. Well, I do have good news for you. I am now employed at my local wellness center after a year and two months of unemployment. Not only that, I have updates in the works for multiple stories.

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    0 comments · 129 views
  • 30 weeks
    State of the Author/X-mas post.

    Hey, everyone. I guess I owe you all an apology.

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    3 comments · 213 views
  • 41 weeks
    Star Wars Update

    So, I do have Chapter 12 in the works for Star Wars - Hope in the Force. It should be out today or tomorrow. For those that are interested, here's a sneak peak/synopsis.

    Darth Vader, having caught onto the trail of Kyris Marchen and his troops, sends his assassin, Starkiller, alongside Captain Eclipse, Proxy, and two Imperial officers, to eliminate the lost Jedi.

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    4 comments · 196 views

A funeral Blog. · 1:27pm Apr 29th, 2017

A good friend of our family died last week, and I'm writing this from our church, where the funeral is at.

Jim Ertel was a great man. 70 years of marriage, and I and my brother had the honor of driving his power chair to and from his seat during mass.

He lived a long, healthy life of 92 years.

I will miss him greatly, and so will his loved ones and family.

RIP Jim Ertel.

You will be missed.

On a side note, not sure if I want to update anything today because of the funeral. I might, but expect it to be short, or not as long as my usual chapters.

Thanks for understanding, and ciao!


Comments ( 8 )

It's okay and sorry for your loss.

Take your time.

4513372 Thanks. Means a lot to me.

R.I.P my deepest respect.

Hope the best for ya, buddy:eeyup:

Take some time off as long as you need to. We'll be waiting with open arms and hugs at the ready. At least i'll certainly wait:pinkiesmile:

I am sorry for your loss..i know the feeling MK..

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