• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2023

Comet Burst

The man without a plan.

More Blog Posts56

  • 289 weeks
    An Intricate Response

    Dear FIMFic,

    It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re still around, I’m thinking you’ve probably gotten wind of a rather controversial topic posted by MrNumbers regarding the state of FimFiction’s story landscape. While I normally don’t do this sort of thing, An Intricate Disguise wrote a rather thought provoking response to it.

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    2 comments · 1,891 views
  • 318 weeks
    Jurassic World tonight

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, it’s here. A movie I’ve been waiting anxiously for and secretly hoping it might not happen.

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    8 comments · 642 views
  • 327 weeks
    5 Long Years

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I just realized it's been 5 years and 18 days since I wrote the final chapter to The Golden Armor. A lot of things have happened since then, but I can't really believe it. Things have changed so much in those years, but you all still are there and some may even still be waiting for more of it.

    I guess maybe it's time I did something about that.

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    14 comments · 1,031 views
  • 360 weeks
    I have a question for all of you

    Dear FIMFic,

    So, I've recently been trying to write new chapters to All That Glitters and Across The Universe, but a problem has kept coming up. Whenever I sit down to write, I get blocked by an idea buzzing around in my head. Some of you did enjoy my failed contest entry, From One Unicorn to Another, and I've suddenly had new ideas to further that story thread.

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    9 comments · 708 views
  • 365 weeks
    Dunkirk: the gem of WW2 movies

    Dear FIMFic,

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    20 comments · 780 views

Something Special · 6:59am Feb 14th, 2017

Dear FIMFic,

It's been a long few years since I joined the site. I've seen a lot of stories come and go, seasons roll by (complete with their own controversies) and written a few stories. Back when I published my first fic, I never dreamed I would have earned 2000 followers, had a story on the cusp of 4000 upvotes and be interviewed.

It's funny how things work out, isn't it?

As I am typing this out, I'm staring in disbelief at the 1999 followers, 3992 green thumbs on The Golden Armor and a message from Flutterpriest about a live chat coming up this weekend. I'm both awed and deeply grateful to everyone that supported me through the last four years (dear lord, really?!) and has held on to the hope I will eventually update something soon.

Thank you all so much for being the best fandom I've ever had the honor to be part of. There's many ways to thank all of you, but I can only think of a few. Firstly, there is a thread here that you all can leave questions for me to answer in the Good HiE podcast. I will attempt to answer all of them, so please be nice.

Second, I'm thinking it's time I took everyone's feelings into consideration. It will take some time, but eventually I will start posting a poll where you can tell me what you want me to write. I can expect Across the Universe and The Golden Armor P2 to vie for the top, but I have heard requests for All That Glitters, Sleeping with a Friend and A Week in the Life.

And thirdly, expect me to start divulging some new story ideas I may pursue into full blown stories. I don't know what will kick it off, but there's probably a new story or two on the horizon.

Thank you all again for your wonderful support and for truly being the bestest bronies and pegasisters!


Report Comet Burst · 937 views · Story: The Golden Armor · #2k #4K #woohoo #bestfandomever
Comments ( 6 )

And thank you for bestowing your great words upon us :twilightsmile:

So, there is something more to look forward to? :yay:

Props to you. Writing is hard and i say you earn the praise you get. Ive only read one of your works, left with a kiss, but boy do i love that thing. That piece has the best closure ive really ever read, its very akin to that heart filling feeling of finishing a good hard back book and closing it with a good "thump."

Problem, I can't comment on the thread...

You can ask them here. I'll do my best to include them.

4421832 i figured it out an hour ago, i had to join the group first that is fucking extortion!
So I'll ask there, just want to see the vids first. So later today ill will ask.

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