• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2022


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Spreading a rather good story (if action, adventure and epicness is your thing) · 6:34pm Sep 22nd, 2012

To any who happen to visit this page on chance, or to comment or are a follower look to this story and give it a shot: Equestrian Elite: Tartarus Infernum. This story is quite underappreciated and deserves better. Give it a chance. Cheers.

Report cloudranger · 406 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Tossed it on the ol' read me list.

Good to see people suggesting some fics that people like but haven't gotten much attention. If more people did this sort of thing, well, the stories would get at least a few more views out of it. Got a favorites box dedicated to that purpose myself on my page :scootangel:

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