• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2022


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My Small Writings: Blogposts are Cathartic; The Name of The Doctor (SPOILERS may slip through). · 11:58am May 19th, 2013

At a time when I should really be studying, instead I'm watching Doctor Who. Specifically, the finale.

I cannot believe. I doubted Moffat. Never again.
(Short sentences. They convey the impact. Though I doubt their grammar.)

The impact of the episode left me reeling, and now brings two questions to mind. What in the universe could possibly be worse than the Time War? One shudders to even imagine. And what can possibly cause the Doctor...to not be the Doctor?

For those of you who watched, you probably understand my dilemma. For those of you who didn't...hopefully this tantalised you to catch the finale.

For those still reading, thank you for doing so. Really, this helps my boredom. (But butchers my grammar)

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