• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
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Platypus with a pen.

More Blog Posts55

  • 174 weeks

    So, update status on Project Hive and Wasteland Bouquet, and some real-world projects that have been eating up my time.

    Project Hive: I swear I had a chapter in progress, but I can't find it after not working on it for a couple of months due to IRL stuff. I think it's on my computer, and not the laptop I normally write on, but where I might have saved it is a mystery.

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  • 204 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    2020 is out, 2021 is in! Happy New Years to one and all!:pinkiehappy:

    Here's to the new year, all you wonderful people, and hopefully actually getting something written for once.:rainbowlaugh:

    2 comments · 171 views
  • 258 weeks
    Friendship is Magic: The Movie Review

    Well, I finally did it. All the stuff that's kept me crazy busy or just plain unable to focus on the many, many things I had going on, and I got the time to finish watching Friendship is Magic.


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    1 comments · 254 views
  • 304 weeks
    Writing Tips #1 - World Building, Prologues & Setting The Scene

    World Building, Prologues & Setting The Scene

    An examination of two opening chapters

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    3 comments · 445 views
  • 335 weeks
    I Saw That Coming

    So, a few minutes agao I was playing with my new BB gun (a spring-powered revolver), happily bouncing the little plastic BBs off a piece of paper. A large spider crawls out of the cupboard. Wolf spider, or something similar. Horrible crawling biteyness. Not something you want running up your leg.:twilightoops:

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    4 comments · 349 views

Unortunate Delays · 2:55am Nov 8th, 2016

Got myself a new laptop the other day, since this one's not doing all that well despite only being a few months old. It's missing keystokes when I type at anything faster than one per second, which is why the last few chapters of Hive haven't been up to the usual quality.:twilightblush:

Everything seemed fine for the first few hours, it worked great, keyboard was a pleasure to use, so I started transferring all my stuff over in preperation for a few days spent catching up on my fics.:pinkiehappy:

Long story short, literally everything from Wasteland Bouquet and Hive was on it when things went wrong. And by wrong, I mean the thing stopped working. Completely. Wouldn't even boot up so I could get my stuff back. I think it was an issue with the monitor. Anyway, instead of spending the week writing, I'm waiting for it to be repaired and shipped back so I can actually use it. And, with any luck, I won't have actually lost anything... or much, anyway.:ajbemused:

I was going to drop the translated version of Blackhoof's Journal here to make up for the delay, but that was saved with the stuff I couldn't get to.:facehoof:

Sorry, guys! It'll be a few days, maybe a week, before I can get back to bringing you more Hive and WB!:fluttercry:

Report Cascadejackal · 309 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Ooh, really sorry about that! Not pleasant when that sort of thing happens; good luck.

My own laptop recently (matter of weeks) had an "I can't find my boot disk" problem. Fortunately, I'd had that once before and immediately suspected the hard drive cable; a borrowed SATA/USB adaptor and laptop let me access my hard drive and confirm that the data on it was fine, and an express order from iFixit had my laptop working again before the end of the week. Looking back, I think that it's been about as long since the previous hard drive cable replacement as that was after I bought the computer, too.
Still, until I'd actually gotten the new cable in and the computer tested, it wasn't certain that the problem wasn't something much, and I've had computer problems in the past that I didn't have nearly so much reassurance on.

Computer troubles are the worst. Might be worthwhile to drop a bit of money on a portable external hard drive that you can back up your data on every now and then. Hope everything works out for you!

4290049 4289836
After spending a while on the phone to the technicians today, it sounds like it was just a faulty RAM chip and, with some luck, I should have it back in the next few days without losing anything.:pinkiehappy:

Ah, very good to hear! Hopefully you do get that luck. :)

It's ok dear, I'm sorry to hear your laptop was being such a shite to ya though. I'm still about, stalking fimfiction from the shadows in my free time. Here's hoping you don't lose any progress, or anything else important to ya!

4300810 4292558
I finally got my new laptop back, and it looks like it's fixed!:pinkiehappy: Even better, I don't think I'm missing anything!
Just gotta get used to using it and I'll try to have the next chapter of WB out this week.:twilightsmile:
...and back up all my stuff for writing to my old laptop, of course. Just to make sure this never happens again.:twilightblush:

Ah, excellent! Glad to hear it, and good luck. :)

That's wonderful, dear! I look forward to the next chapter, and do, take care!

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