• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


Platypus with a pen.

More Blog Posts55

  • 174 weeks

    So, update status on Project Hive and Wasteland Bouquet, and some real-world projects that have been eating up my time.

    Project Hive: I swear I had a chapter in progress, but I can't find it after not working on it for a couple of months due to IRL stuff. I think it's on my computer, and not the laptop I normally write on, but where I might have saved it is a mystery.

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  • 204 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    2020 is out, 2021 is in! Happy New Years to one and all!:pinkiehappy:

    Here's to the new year, all you wonderful people, and hopefully actually getting something written for once.:rainbowlaugh:

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  • 258 weeks
    Friendship is Magic: The Movie Review

    Well, I finally did it. All the stuff that's kept me crazy busy or just plain unable to focus on the many, many things I had going on, and I got the time to finish watching Friendship is Magic.


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  • 304 weeks
    Writing Tips #1 - World Building, Prologues & Setting The Scene

    World Building, Prologues & Setting The Scene

    An examination of two opening chapters

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  • 335 weeks
    I Saw That Coming

    So, a few minutes agao I was playing with my new BB gun (a spring-powered revolver), happily bouncing the little plastic BBs off a piece of paper. A large spider crawls out of the cupboard. Wolf spider, or something similar. Horrible crawling biteyness. Not something you want running up your leg.:twilightoops:

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I Saw That Coming · 11:04am Jun 29th, 2018

So, a few minutes agao I was playing with my new BB gun (a spring-powered revolver), happily bouncing the little plastic BBs off a piece of paper. A large spider crawls out of the cupboard. Wolf spider, or something similar. Horrible crawling biteyness. Not something you want running up your leg.:twilightoops:

Sprayed it, but it was still twitching, and I had a BB already loaded into the revolver. Take aim, have the barrel just a few inches from Twitchy McBiteface, and... have you ever seen A Christmas Story? Yeah.:facehoof:

No real damage, lucky, but my eye is freaking killing me. My dignity was the real casualty.:twilightblush::rainbowlaugh:

Report Cascadejackal · 350 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Ah, sorry about that; glad there was no real damage done. :D

Looks like there might be a bruise, nothing more than that unless I wake up tomorrow and my eye falls out of my head.:rainbowlaugh:
Honestly, I've been laughing about it since it happened. It was too stupid not to find funny. Just gotta find a way to work it into one my fics now.:derpytongue2:

"Looks like there might be a bruise, nothing more than that unless I wake up tomorrow and my eye falls out of my head.:rainbowlaugh:"
Good. :)

"Honestly, I've been laughing about it since it happened. It was too stupid not to find funny."
And good! :D
Very useful to be able to laugh at oneself, I've found. :)

"Just gotta find a way to work it into one my fics now.:derpytongue2:"
Hm. Could be tricky, given the higher lethality in Fallout: Equestria settings. Finding a BB gun, or something like that, probably wouldn't be too difficult to insert (there's already one in the games, for one thing), but it seems like having someone accidentally injure themselves with it might be more difficult due to higher firearms experience, and if such an injury did happen, it might take longer to (in universe) transition to humor, if it did at all, given the usual consequences of shooting oneself with one's own weapon.

I'm a liiiiiiiiiittle late, but I've got a Darwin Award for ya, that's too funny :rainbowlaugh:

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