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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


MLPFIMS6 Finale Part 2 Commentary Spoilers · 12:48am Oct 23rd, 2016

Season 6 finale commentary spoilers part 2

And we learn... ANYTHING other than changeling magic, WILL NOT WORK WITHIN CHRYSALIS' KINGDOM!

Well... that sent about a bajillion fanfictions down in flames...

In fact, all it does is POWER UP CHRYSALIS!

No wonder none dares approach her.

EVEN DISCORD'S MAGIC won't work. That's how dangerous Chrysalis favorite toy is.

I know I should be complaining about this dues ex machina... but it make sense in context... And it explains how the changelings have stayed a threat for so long when you have physical gods wandering about.

And it seems that Discord's creations aren't truly alive as they fall apart without his magic.

Congrats Trixie, you are now as useless as everyone else there, and Thorax is the only one whose magic works!

Those guards are more beefed up than the ones we saw at the invasion.

And we learn of ANOTHER layer of defense to the hive... it's shifting forms CONSTANTLY, and only MAKES SENSE to changelings!

Discord calls it 'decent chaos.'

Easy, get Chrysalis to blast it, see? That took me what, two second to think up?

"Self absorbed?!" No comment.

Why Trixie isn't saying it, you can tell what Discord said about being of no use before or after they get their magic back HURT.

Thorax, "I haven't been hungry since I met Spike." Thorax says this is weird, since changelings are ALWAYS HUNGRY!

Is it any wonder they'll follow any leader to fill the emptiness inside? Even Chrysalis?

And yeah, it IS when Throax's wings changed.

And Discord makes clear again he's there to just to save Fluttershy... WAY TOO LOUD! The entire hive know they're here.

And Starlight has to use her brain.

And Trixie uses her smoke bombs. And... AGAIN SHE IS ACTUALLY USING THEM COMPETENTLY!!!! 0-0

This is like that time on Star Trek Voyager when the warp core ejection system ACTUALLY WORKED!

Oh right, Throax's magic still works.

And Thorax is having a panic attack at the sight of the guards to Chrysalis' chamber.

"But definitely the easiest to bug."

Racist jokes Discord? Really?

Trixie, "It is absolutely ridiculously that worked."

And Discord proves he's not TOTALLY useless without the powers of a god.

Discord, "After I rescue Fluttershy."

And guess we hear JUST after he says that name?

I hope Discord's not stupid enough to fall for such an obvious ploy, though he may be ARROGANT ENOUGH to. -_-

Unless it IS the real Fluttershy who escaped on her own...

Reminds me of the Sailor Moon's original finale where the Gloom and Doom Girls disguised themselves as the Scouts' loved ones, but they Scouts had to risk the trap anyway BECAUSE they couldn't be sure they WEREN'T fakes.

If that's a fake... they sure got Fluttershy's cry baby traits down. No wonder they were able to fool Discord.

And Discord admits Fluttershy is the one pony he cares about. I wish he'd have slightly expanded his empathy sphere a little.

And then a bajillion show, and play EXACTLY THAT CARD! 0-0

"Maybe one of us IS the real Fluttershy."

And Trixie is shaking a leaf. I know this is Trixie's first real adventure... then again at least she's not being a cry baby and having to be dragged along.

And the girls use the pass word... and 'Discord' says, 'Oh yes I can be klutzy.'

All of them know it's a fake.

And then Trixie decides to... SACRIFICE HERSELF TO BUY TIME FOR THE OTHERS!!!!!! 0-0 I didn't see that coming.

"I know you're afraid to be in charge, but you're really good at it!"

And the fake Discord isn't Chrysalis. She isn't risking herself AT ALL this time.

And the changelings swarm over Trixie in a FLOOD! That... did not look pleasant.

Starlight in the throne room... she gets separated from Thorax SOMEHOW (bad editors, bad).

She finds DISCORD, TRIXIE, and the mane six, as cocooned trophies above Chrysalis' throne.

And at 13:01 / 21:04 We hear Chrysalis' laugh. And Starlight look terrified.

She spent a lot of time with her not on screen... I don't know if that's keep her from being overexposed or just cheap.

Cadence, Celestia, and Luna are here too hanging upside down and pickled... Celsetia looks like she's been fed on like no tomorrow.

And we see Chrysalis' joints turn a full 360, and she was apparently feeding IMHO when Starlight stumbled on her.

Wait a minute... I get it I think. IS THAT THORAX IN DISGUISE!?

Starlight is glued in place.

Chrysalis says that Starlight wasn't worth replacing (then again she wasn't there when Chrysalis made her move, so she may be just using psychological warfare).

Starlight, "You won't get away with this!"

Chrysalis, "I already have."

"Thorax is still out there!"

"DON'T MENTION THAT TRAITOR'S NAME IN MY KINGDOM! HE WAS A FOOL TO LEAVE AND EVEN MORE A FOOL TO RETURN! When I find him, he'll find out just what happens to those who betray the hive!" (Note how she said 'the hive' rather than 'me.' Interesting.)

And Chrysalis calls her spawn 'drones' formally now.

"And it seems I don't have far to look do I?"

Chrysalis then picks up on a tell. And zaps Thorax, overriding his magic and forcing him back to his true form.

And Chrysalis spots Starlight trying to forceful the throne into pieces... but she's not making much progress, and a zap Chrysalis merely leaves a blast mark.

And Chrysalis spells it out...

Her one true interest has always been, and will always be her hunger. By replacing the 'most beloved ponies in Equestria' her drones will be able to store all their love meant for them, and bring it back to the swarm. (So they can share stored love). Ponies will be nothing more than her puppets, and the swarm will have food for generations.

And Starlight realizes the true meaning of Thorax's example, and tries to apply how love actually works to Chrysalis' logic.

"You don't have to be starving all the time!"

And some of the drones begin to look at each other, at the idea of being free of the all consuming emptiness all of them have lived with since they were born.

"I decide what's best for my subject! Not some mewling grub!"

"I know what's it like to rule with and intimidation." -_- I was liking this episode so well. Starlight ruled with a twisted definition of friendship and fairness. It's not the same thing.

Though credit where it's due for Starlight spells out that a leader LISTENS to their subjects, and doesn't reject ideas simply because they're not her own.

Chrysalis decides as an EXECUTION, to drain every last amount of love in Thorax.


And Thorax... 0-0

He ascends.

Personally I thought he was fine the way he was, I DECIDED AGAINST having the changelings be nicer looking after they were free in the Wedding Arc of Pony POV since appearances shouldn't matter!

That being said... Thorax just evolved into a Changeling King.

He's become something new!

I think the horns are a bit much, makes him look like a deer rather than an insect.

That being said, the changelings now have a CHOICE on who they serve. Hopefully the writers learned from last season that having EVERY ONE abandon the only way of life they've known for a strange scary new way of life while better, and fills the spiritual emptiness inside, can be just that, scary, and would rather be with the Devil they know, then the Savior they don't.

It's interesting this only happened when interacting with Chrysalis.

The other changelings accept the salvation that Thorax has offered them. (100% jump ship again. -_- ).

The throne is blown to bits. WITH CHRYSALIS ON IT. Blowing off half the castle tower.

And we get flash back to Dark Crystal when the castle was itself reborn along with its master.

And the changelings themselves... all now have unique color schemes.

Starlight just converted an entire civilization to good.

And Chrysalis, with her entire kingdom gone... takes a blood oath that the revenge she'll give Starlight Glimmer... will be more terrible than anything Starlight could hope to imagine.

Still... I actually feel BAD when a bad guy head of state loses their kingdom in fiction land... Mostly cause they're such a UNIQUE breed in fiction land (opposed to being all too common in the real world), where they play the political game as well. (Doctor Doom being a grand example, he's a super villain, but also an effective head of state.)

And Discord and Trixie become friends. Heh.

No finale song. Oh well. Can't have everything.

Credit where it's due, interesting ending. :-)

Comments ( 6 )

"I know what's it like to rule with and intimidation." -_- I was liking this episode so well. Starlight ruled with a twisted definition of friendship and fairness. It's not the same thing.

Actually, there was a level of intimidation tactics deployed during that episode. Remember the concentration camp the mane six and this other pony were dropped in?


Not quite the same thing IMHO at least. The brainwashing. But I've had it hit over the head that she was running a police state.

4268839 Agreed, that was brainwashing, but the other ponies in that town did seem fairly intimidated of Starlight. I don't think Starlight popped ponies in the brainwashing hut just for disagreeing with her, but part 1 of the finale shows just how much everyone else was a natural follower who didn't like confrontation (when you self-select for cultists, that's what you get), so I could see them all being intimidated just of having Starlight yell at them.

I do hope this leads to Starlight moving back to Our Town as the mayor, clearly they need her.

if ponies weren't intimidated by Starlight they would have been willing to drop those creepy forced smiles. And if that was some sort of accidental unintentional byproduct then Starlight cannot read ponies at all, which she could


Which only makes me more disillusioned with the character.

4298158 it might make a neat oneshot for you though. Early in the village's history Starlight tries to convince herself that everyone is perfectly fine, they aren't terrified of her, those are perfectly normal happy expressions

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