• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2018


"Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?" - Kurt Vonnegut

More Blog Posts80

  • 406 weeks
    Oi, my name is Kishin, and join me for a NationRP, [insert writefag title here]!

    Ay, it's yo boi, Kishin.

    To be honest, I actually hate that name. I absolutely regretted using that username on this website the first couple of days after I made this account. Made me look like a weeb edgelord (who knows, maybe I was a couple years back).

    So, I'm retconning that name, and using my actual irl one, which, shortened to make it easier to pronounce in English, is Joon.

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    2 comments · 552 views
  • 502 weeks
    RIP, and goodbye

    TL;DR with explanations below:
    -Giving up all present/promised future writings
    -Account hiatus/goodbye

    Rant+Explanation=Ranxplanation below:

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    14 comments · 994 views
  • 551 weeks
    Happy New Year!!!1!!1!

    Got about 4 hours 'til the good people of New York almost ritualistically drop that bass ball (might be different for everyone else living in a different time zone, but... eh. I'm not perfect).

    Well it's been one helluva year (for me at least, and I bet it was for a majority of you), and I'm proud to say that I AM INDEED ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE-AHHHHHHHH!

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    11 comments · 510 views
  • 557 weeks
    Thoughts on Legend of Korra Season 2 finale (SPOILERS)

    Obvious spoilers for people that didn't see the finale a week early (Srsly, go to the Nick website. The creators were nice enough to post the 1 hour finale a week early than the public release date).

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    13 comments · 610 views
  • 563 weeks
    Just something I'd like to say about America's government right now...

    Mr. President.... Every bucking member of Congress,


    21 comments · 784 views

Oi, my name is Kishin, and join me for a NationRP, [insert writefag title here]! · 10:48pm Oct 8th, 2016

Ay, it's yo boi, Kishin.

To be honest, I actually hate that name. I absolutely regretted using that username on this website the first couple of days after I made this account. Made me look like a weeb edgelord (who knows, maybe I was a couple years back).

So, I'm retconning that name, and using my actual irl one, which, shortened to make it easier to pronounce in English, is Joon.

Anyway, it took me a year to decide, but I am going to leave permanently this time.

I am sorry. But ponies don't really interest me anymore.

However, I am still planning on writing.

I am currently in a NationRP writefag group, that basically focuses on writing about geopolitical interactions between fictional nations that you get to create. And we are currently recruiting active writers (as we only have 4 members).

If you wish to join us, and experience the euphoria of memes writing, please comply to these requirements.

1. Name (We would like this to be a close community, so please tell us your name! We would like to get to know you and find out where you live and secretly hide in your air conditioning ducts to suck your toes!)
2. Age (Not very relevant, but this IS a mature writing environment. Age isn't the best way to find out one's mental maturity, but it's a good indicator)
3. Send in a sample of your best writing (Although this RP is for fun, we do like to have certain writing standards.)
4. Send a description of your nation.
-There's really 1 rule in this RP, and it's NOT TO BE A DICK. No passive-aggressiveness or random threats (for example "oh that's a nice plot of land... to invade." or "help me or I WILL drop mines into your fishing waters")

And, yes, those are actual quotes. not really, but they were paraphrased from an actual RPer that is no longer with us, thankfully

If you're going to have a militarily-aggressive state, please keep it to a certain level. In our past, we have had states that have had almost the entirety of their political and economic structures focused on war production and furthering the growth of their nation through conquest. Though, in history, that is how a lot of real life nations have consolidated and formed, it does NOT make a fun roleplay experience.

Also, this is an RP of repercussions, as much as action. One nation, a rather creatively-named nation of Sovietyeto thought it was okay to continually deploy his armed forces into conflicts without any social or economic repercussions. (And also, they liked to nerve gas bordering nations at random).

The fellow that created that nation is not with us anymore.

Basically, if you're not mellow, we don't want you.

ANYWAY, please send your applications (and links to your writing) to the mail/messaging system on this site to me, and we will get back to you within a couple of hours!

It was nice to talk to you guys again, and farewell! It was a blast to write for you guys (though a bit stressful), and I hope some of you find interest in this!

Also, a message from one of the other writers in this RP that was once a proud FIMFiction writer, KommandoLando

Hi, I am Lando, the author of Without Question, a changeling fic on this site. I am totally not lazy enough to write this welcome to our potential RPers, like what Joon had requested of me. I have a small penis. Oh so small. I like to stare at it hours on end on a dinner plate because it reminds me of a shriveled up breakfast sausage. It's delicious. And also, join our RP. It's fun.

Report Kishin · 552 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Yo, Kishin, sorry to hear you're going. Still have your named shotgun in TF2.
Not interested in the RP group myself, but good luck with it!

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