• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 20th, 2018


"Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?" - Kurt Vonnegut

More Blog Posts80

  • 406 weeks
    Oi, my name is Kishin, and join me for a NationRP, [insert writefag title here]!

    Ay, it's yo boi, Kishin.

    To be honest, I actually hate that name. I absolutely regretted using that username on this website the first couple of days after I made this account. Made me look like a weeb edgelord (who knows, maybe I was a couple years back).

    So, I'm retconning that name, and using my actual irl one, which, shortened to make it easier to pronounce in English, is Joon.

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    2 comments · 552 views
  • 502 weeks
    RIP, and goodbye

    TL;DR with explanations below:
    -Giving up all present/promised future writings
    -Account hiatus/goodbye

    Rant+Explanation=Ranxplanation below:

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    14 comments · 994 views
  • 551 weeks
    Happy New Year!!!1!!1!

    Got about 4 hours 'til the good people of New York almost ritualistically drop that bass ball (might be different for everyone else living in a different time zone, but... eh. I'm not perfect).

    Well it's been one helluva year (for me at least, and I bet it was for a majority of you), and I'm proud to say that I AM INDEED ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE-AHHHHHHHH!

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    11 comments · 511 views
  • 557 weeks
    Thoughts on Legend of Korra Season 2 finale (SPOILERS)

    Obvious spoilers for people that didn't see the finale a week early (Srsly, go to the Nick website. The creators were nice enough to post the 1 hour finale a week early than the public release date).

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    13 comments · 610 views
  • 563 weeks
    Just something I'd like to say about America's government right now...

    Mr. President.... Every bucking member of Congress,


    21 comments · 784 views

Happy New Year!!!1!!1! · 3:58am Jan 1st, 2014

Got about 4 hours 'til the good people of New York almost ritualistically drop that bass ball (might be different for everyone else living in a different time zone, but... eh. I'm not perfect).

Well it's been one helluva year (for me at least, and I bet it was for a majority of you), and I'm proud to say that I AM INDEED ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE-AHHHHHHHH!

Then killed, THEN re-animated, slightly discouraged, then encouraged again.

But I feel that I owe you guys an explanation why I haven't written anything in... 2 years.

There's been a lot of IRL stuff *cough* colleges *cough*, my week-long playthrough of the Starbound Beta, and a certain mental ailment like this:

But that comes to my New Year's resolution. My resolution next year is to start writing more for you guys, grow a beard, and to try to get out more.

What are your resolutions for next year?

And for not doing pretty much anything for you guys for quite a while, and the fact that I didn't do anything for Christmas, I might as well start with something I've found in the depths of reddit:

You're welcome.

Report Kishin · 511 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Happy New Year to you as well, sir! :raritywink:

College is just the worst when everyone wants free time. I hope you can get writing done, but don't forget grades. That's what my resolution is based on just because I hardly write anyway. :derpytongue2:

Happy New Year!

Beards: they grow on you.



Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Facial Hair, Beard?


You never write much, eh?

1670049 No, I haven't. Mainly because I haven't talked to you since that sad PM about my not watching Korra.

And still not watching it.

Oh God.

Happy New Year, man! :moustache:

That video has just made the entire new year for me. Thank you for that :heart:


Don't worry, I didn't finish watching any of the Season 4 episodes for MLP. You're not alone

1670655 I'm glad that I'm not forever alone. However, I'll just never beat you to the punch in watching my respective episodes! Haha!

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