• Member Since 11th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Nasha Rei Kun

Writing, Read, listening to music and video games are my passions. I do enjoy a good story from time to time, and I'm a Spike fan.

More Blog Posts88

  • 286 weeks
    I've Never Wanted to do This

    This was an idea that I had while trying, and failing, to finish the most recent Finale chapters of This Changeling Life.

    The story is okay, I feel like I wrote the characters well enough for a read, but that finale is kicking me in the teeth. And I’ve already identified the reason.

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    10 comments · 807 views
  • 324 weeks
    I Need to see something

    I'm honestly curious about just how many people assume Naruto is going to stomp in the upcoming battles. Now I'm going to put things into perspective.

    Now, without going too much into spoiler territory, I'm going to say this: Chrysalis's worst match-up IS indeed Naruto. As it is with Aurelia.

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    5 comments · 434 views
  • 336 weeks
    Not a chapter, but I figure anything is better than nothing

    So, yeah I have been kind of falling off my writing game and I sincerely apologize for that.

    No real excuses, I just haven't had the energy to write before this past week, so I'll leave it at that.

    That said, I've been working on it and I'm currently at 7.6k+ words.

    And as proof:


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    2 comments · 422 views
  • 344 weeks
    So, I know I haven't been as active as I used to be...4k+ and counting.

    First off, here:


    Moondancer’s head moved in the direction of Naruto’s presence. She could tell it was him so accurately, even though she was sure he wasn’t using his magic.

    ‘It’s possible that he’s using his chakra instead.’ she surmised before turning her attention back to the group of changelings that barred her path.

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    3 comments · 434 views
  • 362 weeks
    Getting Back Into it

    So I've been all over for a while and working some things.

    I've been working on this Tournament Game thing in Java the past month or so, and I think it's going over well, all things involved.

    I've gone to a few networking events in the past month and have learned and received knowledge that will prove vital to my development.

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    3 comments · 437 views

Update about the chapter being written · 6:12am Sep 19th, 2016

So yeah, long time, no read, guys.

Not gonna keep this long, just saying, that yeah school is a thing, but I'm gonna start working on this, when I can. So if you wondered when I'm getting this chapter out, well, I started writing it now. SO take that, as you will.

Currently sits at: 3.1k words.

And to be a good beaver, that I am, here's basically, everything that I've written up to this point.

Leave a comment below, about what you think of the characters I made.

Tide Over:


She stared across the table, red eyes staring indifferently towards the other female across from her. She sat in her personal throne, the blackened material adorned by obsidian silk, gold embroidery, and red crystals.

She lifted a hand, glancing over her chitlin covered form of her slender body, feeling a self-gratified sense of pride. Her body was similar to her twin’s, curvy in all the right places. Her form covered in a dark, skin-tight mockery, of a nun’s adornments. The long dress was cut to just above her knees, with the sleeves starting from her bicep, to come down to her wrists leaving her shoulders open to the world. On her right shoulder lay a rose like construct, that bore in white against her skin.

There was no coif, but she kept the stiff crown. It allowed the dual transparent veils to hang from her head, the see through materials allowing her long, dark red membrane-mane, to be seen. Her masterpiece of a horn sat atop her forehead, the magic conduit straight, with a set of missing sections, as should be expected.

She was beauty. She was the succubus of their little quartet. The younger of two Monarch twin sisters.

She was Nympha.

She crossed her legs with the grace unbefitting of her dress, and she knew it. Many a spouse had been lured to her beds, their others left wanting. Ponies, minotaur, zebras, to just name a few. She’d tasted them all throughout history, and none have been capable of ignoring her wiles.

There was a grunt from across the table, and she felt her lips’ corners dip in distaste.

“You truly are the most vain of us.” The female across from her spoke, causing Nympha’s eyes to be casted upon the one across from her. Nympha allowed her lips to snarl, before they became bore a smug expression.

“Yet, I’m the one with the largest hive. The most diverse of our subjects and,” she allowed her forked tongue to wetten her lips. “The one with the most “conquests”.” There was a gleam in her eye, as she watched her the youngest of four snarl in disgust at her.

She feigned a remorseful expression.

“But alas, if only you used those looks of yours for a better purpose.” She said dramatically, before her own lips curled in unpleasantness. “Truly, one who allows scars to bare their form has no place near me, Aurelia. Mother must be rolling her grave, from the sight of you.”

The Monarch across from Nympha threw her a flat look, as she raised an eyebrow. Yellow membrane-mane curling over to one side, a braided ponytail going down her back, as she threw her sister an unbelieving look. Her body dressed from bottom to top, in metal and linen.

Her hole filled legs, were encased in metal shin guards, and thigh high boots. Said boots were leading up to her dark grey shorts, with a brown rope tied around her waist. On her top was a robe like garment, of golden and black colors, with sleeves that ended near the wrist. One part top was off her form, showing the black feminine exoskeleton underneath, her modesty only covered by the padding that covered her upper half, like some sort of leather tube top.

All across her shoulders were marks, and scars, that her outer shell could not be shed for. Battles she’d fought, won and conquered. The largest scar, lay on her back. Her most valued one.

Her horn was shorter than her sister’s across from her. Actually, hers was the smallest of all theirs, causing her no shortage of taunts from her “siblings”.

She had the biggest bust though, as much as Aurelia hated it, she could hold them above them. She was happy to have her leather armor, it was convenient.

The youngest of four Queens rolled her wrists, the leather, fingerless gloves showing on them, as she threw her sister a disbelieving look.

“You cared nothing for mother, as it stood. Those Chaste emotions must be dulling your memory Nympha.” The shorter of the two in the cavern said, from her throne of yellow minerals, dark vines and blackened rock.

Nympha wasn’t amused.

“For all Prudence you feed on, you must be one of the most foolish Changelings I’ve met. Especially with small hive of yours, hah! Even Chrysalis has a larger hive than you.” Aurelia glared at her sibling, and stood from her seat. A yellow vapor-like substance, rolling from her sleeves. A mark on her uncovered shoulder glowed a blindly yellow, the shape of a thin circle pierced by a single pin.

“You’ll hold your tongue Nympha. This area only stands, because of Mother’s memory.” Nympha stood up herself, magic curling and extending slightly from her curled fingers.

“Yet, you’re the one who stands as if to fight me. Remember your place youngest, lest you want your birthplace, to also be your deathbed.” The red haired changeling Queen spat, incensing her younger sibling.

The two monarchs seemed ready to come to blows. The air thrumming with restless energy and hostility.

An aura around the two built; vermillion red and sparkingly yellow. Yet, before any manner of harm could be exchanged between the two monarchs, a sound echoed in the halls of their rocky birthplace.

The two paused, their magical energies simmering , before fading as they listened. The next moment, a feeling invaded their senses, and both groaned.

“Ugh, it’s her. I have to wonder how much Wisdom she’s been sipping on, since we’ve last seen her.” Nympha groaned, as she allowed her form to fall back into her seat unceremoniously. Her legs kicking up, before falling back down.

Aurelia’s yellow eyes looked in the direction of the blip on her radar, and narrowed her yellow eyes.

“Wait… That… That isn’t our sister. That isn’t Cocoona.” This caused Nympha’s eyes to widen, before she turned her head in the same direction of the noise.

The sounds were small steps, too light to be any of their sisters’ own. The “Feeling” wasn’t Cocoona’s either, yet it felt similar.

“What in Tartarus…?” Nympha swore, even as her mouth opened wide. Aurelia wasn’t doing that much better, eyes widened to alarming degrees, as the two watched the small form of the changeling that entered the caverns.

One that felt just like their eldest sister Cocoona.

Like another monarch.

The little changeling female who entered the fray, looked over at them with mischievous eyes, as her bright amethyst ones looked back at them. A dark purple membrane-mane that was seemingly unruly top the head of the child, curving around the small horn on her forehead. She was short, possibly even short shorter than Aurelia’s 5’2. She was definitely shorter than Cocoon’s, staggering, 6’5 or Nympha & Chrysalis’s matching 6’2. She might have been possibly a good half a foot shorter than Aurelia.

Dressed in large poncho, that was seemingly made from tapestry of a Roamian royal’s, her form was mostly indistinguishable. The only other thing about her, that they knew, was that she was wearing white harem pants.

“Hello aunties~” She sang, causing both of them to nearly choke, as she neared the circle of five thrones, before settling herself into the seat of their eldest sister. She sat there, feeling snug, as the two monarchs tried to regain themselves.

Nympha nearly fell out of her chair, before she snapped her gaze to her sister’s in disbelief. Aurelia stared at the Ruby Hive Queen, before turning to the smallest changeling monarch in the room.

“What did you just call us?” Aurelia’s eyes narrowed almost immediately, as they settled on the smaller female. Nympha’s disposition shifted, as she recomposed herself, before crossing her legs, and turning her attention to the anomaly.

Seeing the attention on her, the little mystery seemed to giggle before she gave them a straight look.

“Mother was correct, when she said that you’d be shocked. Sadly, I can’t stay for long,” the little brat said with a sigh, as she allowed her eyes to go half-lidded.

“Cocoona’s your mother isn’t she? I’d recognize her colors anywhere, but that doesn’t explain-” Nympha started.

“-Who you are, and why you’re here.” Aurelia finished, eyes constantly looking over the new addition to their little circle of Queens. She was wondering how she even got into the place, all things considered.

As much as they didn’t like each other, and that was putting it lightly, they did have meet once every decade to make updates on territories found, lost and conquered.

You learn to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes, when you know whose area you’re stepping into.

The littlest changeling in the cavern hummed, eyes closed, before she smiled.

“Pupa.” She said simply, causing them both to blink, before she pouted at them. “None of you even asked for my name!” She stated with a huff, causing both the others to simply look at each other.

Neither of them were even remotely entertained.

“Neither of us are laughing child!” Nympha’s shout was followed by both the echo of her voice, and her crimson aura burst from her seat to the ceiling.

Aurelia’s eyes switched to her sister’s position, before they focused back on the smallest-Pupa, and warned her.

“This is not a game for children. Neither is being here,” The Topaz Queen stated. “Remove yourself from the premises. You’re only being forgiven because-”

“Because this is a gathering for those of the Monarchy.” Pupa finished, her expression turning to impassiveness, causing both of the two sisters to grit their teeth.

Nympha finally stood from her seat.

“That’s it, you fucking brat. I was being nice, but now I’m going to-!”

-Going to what Nympha? Because it sounds like you were about to inflict harm to MY heir.-

All sound stopped, as Pupa removed an arm from within her poncho, to reveal a bright purple glowing mark on the back of her hand. Everyling else in the room stared, at the glowing mark, before the voice sounded out again. Each word accentuated by a brief glow of the mark in question.

“Mother…” Pupa whispered, eyes retaining a softer quality, as she stared at the back of her hand.

-Make no mistake you two, I may have retreated from the game, but should even a hair be out of place from Pupa’s head. NOTHING will save you from me.-

Both adults flinched, only for their eyes to widen as they processed everything that was just said.

“Wait-!” Aurelia.

“You mean-!” Nympha.

There was a sigh from the glowing mark, before Pupa spoke up.

“Mother decided to pull away from Equestrian territory. In simpler terms, Mother has given up all ownership over the lands she laid claimed to in her term.”

-Correct, all my land-

“Is free game! Yes! I’m been waiting for years to steal that stupid bit of land by Los Pegasus. That place is a gold mine of idiots to feed from!” The Red Hive leader could just sing!

Aurelia on the other hand, looked over to the smallest changeling in the room, and watched as her countenance fell. Mind trying to piece together the facts, she spoke up, ignoring her more “passionate” sibling.



“Why?” This cut Nympha’s self-celebration short, as she turned to look at her sister with a dumbfounded expression.

“What is WRONG with you?! She just gave up her lands, and you’re going to ask why?!” The yellow Hive Leader turned her glare on her sister, before turning back to Pupa’s direction.

“I could understand her doing this, if she DIDN’T just state that this little one was her heir.” She pointed at the youngest one in the room, causing Nympha to focus in on the brat, who focused more on the glow on her hand.

-Hmm, I see. You know, out of all of us, I hated you least Aurelia. Most likely because of your preference, I guess. Yet, that doesn’t answer your question does it? I… I can’t continue this anymore. My Hive...- The voice stopped, and if they strained their ears, they could hear slightly sobbing.

Pupa’s own expression only darkened further, both Aurelia’s and Nympha paying closer attention.

-It’s gone.- Their hearts stopped cold.

W-what? What!

“Cocoona! Make sense!” Nympha stated, rather loudly, as she paid more than the obligatory attention to what was being said. Aurelia’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, before their eldest sister spoke up.

-...Is everyone there? I’m noticing a severe lack of Chrysalis’s monologues.- They sighed, even as Pupa did look around for a moment.

“No Mother, Aunty Chrysalis isn’t here.”

-Where is she?- Pupa looked up at the two others, and Aurelia sent a look Nympha’s way.

“...Fine! That idiot’s been up to something for the past year. I don’t know what, but her drone have been making some dangerous loops near Canterlot.”

-And you didn’t stop her?!- Came the surprised, and a little angry, voice from the mark. Nympha scowled.

“You act like I care! Whatever she’s doing, is none of my business, unless she makes open, I’m not gonna give two damns.” The red stated, uncaring of the child in the room.

-... I specifically told you all, to stay AWAY from the Pony settlements around Canterlot! We discussed this a century ago! We do NOT want Celestia to have any incentive to come and wipe out our hives!-

“Well, don’t look at me! If I was her owner, she’d either be dead at my feet or at the foot of my throne getting-!”

“ENOUGH! One more despicable word out of your mouth, and I’ll rid this world of you and your Hive myself.” Aurelia’s voice burst throughout the caverns, giving Nympha pause, before she scowled once more.

Regardless of what she would say, Nympha was no fool. Small her sister’s hive may be, but weak it was not. Much less, Aurelia herself.

There was a reason why, after all this time, there were still FOUR sisters/monarchs. Though now, that may not ring true.

Aurelia reigned in her temper, before turning back to the smallest in the room, who looked notably twitchy.

-Thank you Aurelia.- Actually hearing her say that, made the Yellow Hive leader feel… complicated.

-We’ll address Chrysalis’s missing attendance later. I need to make sure everyling knows that I’m not coming back.-

Nympha and Aurelia looked to one another.

All in all, this was good news. Wonderous, even. One less piece of competition to deal with getting control over Equestria, but they were still suspicious.

There was still one more question to ask.

“Sister?” Nympha spoke up, and they all looked down at the sign on the back of pupa’s hand.

“...Mom?” The child’s voice sounded even more saddened for reasons they didn’t understand.

-... It’s nothing. What is it Nympha?- They honestly weren’t sure why, but they didn’t believe her. That was neither here, nor there, though.

“You’re saying a lot right now Cocoona. You can say all these things, but that doesn’t explain one thing.”

-You’re wondering why I sent Pupa, instead of coming myself.-

They nodded, before realizing, she couldn’t see them.

“Yes.” Came Aurelia’s curt reply. Yet, as they waited for her answer, they watched as Pupa’s expression seemed to disappear from her face. Eyes dull, as she stared at her hand.


-... I can’t.- That wasn’t the answer they were expecting.

-I didn’t want to send my girl across the oceans to meet you, but if I didn’t… I don’t know if I’d get the chance to ever again.-

They just stared, the silence between all of them suffocating.

Aurelia swallowed.

“W-what do you mean?”

There was a long silence, before the shining mark glowed again.

-It’s nothing. I don’t want to extend Pupa’s stay here, any longer than necessary.-

All in attendance, simply sat in silence, letting everything that happened sink in. The first to break the silence, was Nympha.

“Y-you’re serious? You’re not coming back?” She asked, an emotion was present in her voice, that she was afraid to identify.

-Yes, this will be the last time, you hear from me.-

Nympha remained silent for a moment, before she spoke up again.

“T-then, good-bye.” There she’d said it, and she was still afraid of that strange emotion that was well in the back of her mind.

Aurelia looked to her sister for a moment, before she turned to Pupa’s direction.

“Yes. Yes, the same as Nympha said. If you truly mean this.Cocoona. Then good-bye. I.. I hope you can live out the rest of your days in peace.” The sole blonde in the room said, head turned away from the other occupants.

“Mother,” Pupa’s voice spoke out.

-It’s okay, you can come home now. There’s nothing else you need to worry about.- Pupa looked at her hand for a moment, before shaking her head.

“No, that’s not… That’s not what I mean. You said that you had three sisters.” The words the young one spoke, caught everyling’s attention.

-Yes?- There was a sort of uncertain quality to the respondance.

“Chrysalis, Aurelia and Nympha.” She rattled off, and they got the impression that Cocoona might have been nodding her head, though with an unsure expression.

“So why did I feel four monarchs?” The cavern fell into stunned silence. Aurelia stood from her chair almost immediately, while Nympha sat stunned in her chair.

Silenced reigned for a moment.

-Pupa, what do you mean?- Her voice sounded disbelieving, but also worried.

“When I was coming into Equestria, passing the borders of Yakyakistan and entering pass the Crystal Mountains. I felt another monarch.”





Report Nasha Rei Kun · 123 views · Story: This Changeling Life ·
Comments ( 1 )

Man oh man, I can't wait for the next chapter! I always enjoy your updates.

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