• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th


Brony for life

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  • 322 weeks
    BronyCon 2018 is upon us!

    Hey guys I just bought my ticket to BronyCon 2018 and Im soo excited! If there is anyone out there that is also going and wants to hang out and share a room PM!

    3 comments · 286 views
  • 360 weeks
    5 years of Fimfciton goodness!

    Today is my 5th anniversary fimfiction! I again would like to thank each and everyone of you that read and supported my fics. Don't worry there is more fics coming as well!

    4 comments · 307 views
  • 400 weeks
    Happy 23rd Birthday to me!

    I go him for my birthday and he is freaking awesome!

    10 comments · 461 views
  • 401 weeks
    The Streaker Series 50th chapter is here!

    Wow guy 50 chapters, 50 freaking chapters! I can't believe My Streaker Series reached 50 chapters that's incredible! I never though it would get so many when I first started this. I only have all of you to thank for this. I hope we can get another 50 in the future!

    1 comments · 464 views
  • 403 weeks
    Yo go check out this awesome youtuber!

    Hey guys I just want to metion this youbtuber he is Just a joe average let's player, that focuses on a multitude of games ranging from horror games to first person shooters, and in depth puzzle games like portal, call of duty, and Five Night's at Freddie's. He just wants to provide content that markiplier and pewidiepew create. He has the potential to be great and entertain you for hours on end!

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666 followers should I be scared? · 8:14pm Aug 18th, 2016

Should I be worried about this? Should I fear being haunted by a demon? Help......There's eyes on my wall........

Report Darksonickiller · 393 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

The most you have to fear is King Sombra coming after you.

4156616 HALP! There's eyes on my wall......

Just sprinkle some holy water in all corners of your living place, burn some incense, put a holy scripture of your choice under your matrass and start carrying some red string around your wrist or something made of iron with you all the time and you should be fine.^^

1-2 Freddy's coming for you 3-4 better close those doors 5-6 better watch for Chica's tricks 7-8 gonna stay up late 9-10 do it all again.

4156619 It's probably Satan Hilary Clinton.

nah, it's just hormones :scootangel:

Well no and I can give you three reasons. The first is well, some where you lost two of them. Second reason, it's just a sequence of numbers that holds no meaning as they are. Third reason, the sequence you fear is actually a description of a symbol that could only be explained as it was.

No, because the real number is 616 and you already passed it.

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