• Member Since 24th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2023

Soaring Soarin

Because if there's an opportunity, no matter how small, to bitch at something, people will do so.

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Might end up going to a anime/porn convention this weekend · 11:11pm Jul 6th, 2016

Anime Midwest and EXXXOTICA to be exact both are sharing the convention center. If you get a pass to anime midwest you get a discount on a pass to EXXXOTICA..I'm seriously considering getting a pass for EXXXOTICA...out of curiosity of course:trollestia:

Will probably only end up going one day though most likely Saturday only.

Report Soaring Soarin · 477 views · #Convention
Comments ( 6 )

Let us know if you get laid.

4074423 Well it is along side a porn convention...So there is hope...:rainbowdetermined2:

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