• Member Since 1st Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2023

Plain Hunter

The beginning, the rise, the downward fall, the recovery, the new rising and the end.

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A little update on Iron Mare for those of you who give a tit, alright? · 7:21pm Mar 5th, 2016

Well how's it going mates? Good? That's great! :D Bad? I'm sorry mate. :( Well anyways, I'm making this blog to tell you all to worry no longer, as Iron Mare is not canceled, okay? It's just going through a slow time right now. But! Don't worry any longer, because I have someone helping me! :D His name is Joker the Hedgehog! I'm collabing with him on his story, Eternal Knightfall, and he's going to collab with me to help with my universe. So he and I will work on Eternal Knightfall one chapter at a time, and in between each chapter of his story the two of us will work on my universe! :D Yeah! That sounds like a pretty good deal, right? Well we've actually had a bit of a slow time on Eternal Knightfall too. :/ Well... Probably. It probably is my turn to write and I'm just being an idiot like usual. Hang on mate, I'll check it.
Yeah mate, it was me. I fucked up. :twilightsheepish: Well anyways, if you guys want to check out Eternal Knightfall, then go ahead and click this link right here, kay mate? And if you'd like to check out my story, Iron Mare, then go ahead and click on this link here, kay mate?

Well that's it for the update. Sorry you all have to wait so long for a chapter on Iron Mare, but I'll try to get back to updating soon, kay mates? Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a predator scene to write. :raritywink:

Report Plain Hunter · 69 views · Story: Iron Mare ·
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