• Member Since 7th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2016

Lethally Insane

I listen to metal, rap, and dubstep. I've been a brony since 2011. I started writing pony fics to keep me sane(it didn't work) and haven't stopped ever since.

More Blog Posts132

  • 425 weeks

    Just submitted the perma ban request. See you around guys.

    33 comments · 753 views
  • 429 weeks
    Important update

    Hey guys. It's been a few days, but I guess I should finally tell you what's up. So recently, about a week ago my Dad got in a car accident. He's alright, but his arms have been taken out for a few weeks. Until then, I have to help take care of him, do his chores(being the eldest and most physically capable child). It's really been cutting into my writing on my new story, but tough tittie. So I'm

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    4 comments · 459 views
  • 430 weeks
    The unholy bastardization of my childhood.

    Damnit Cartoon Network, you fucked up again. That's not unexpected now a days, but why? Why? Of all things you had to take a shit on, why? Why did you have to do Bunnicula? Why?

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    13 comments · 469 views
  • 431 weeks

    So for that new story I've been working on, I have about 5,300 words and two chapters(including a prologue) done. It's going to be a lot longer than that, but I figure I should at least tell you a little more about the story.

    -HUMANIZED(pls don't kill/rape/sodomize me)

    So yeah.

    1 comments · 348 views
  • 431 weeks
    All about me

    Full Name: Cole ********* *****
    Future Career: Engineering, or history something to do with those
    Birthday: February 15
    Boyfriend/gf: you think anyone would date this ugly motherfucker?
    Height: 5' 11
    Favorite Color: Blue
    Girl BestFriends: irl: 0 Internet: ?
    Boy Best friend: IRL: 7
    In Love?: no.
    Want Kids?: no.
    If, So How Many?:
    SnapChat: none
    Zodiac Sign?: Aquarius

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    0 comments · 260 views

February 15 · 4:32pm Feb 15th, 2016

It's my birthday. Yay:yay:. I guess. Well, I guess I could tell you what I got for my birthday, and I also have a gift for you guys. So last week(since we were also in Tennessee then) my Dad and I stopped at this little place called the smokey mountain knife works(it's fucking huge), there my Dad and I picked out a nice camp knife for my birthday. Really well made, I'll be sure to use it in the future. Next, I'm not sure if you guys know this, but I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I actually own a lightsaber prop(not one made out of plastic, but metal), so my parents ordered me some parts that I had talked about getting myself earlier in the month. Lastly, my gift to you guys is this. What do you want me to do? Like anything. A oneshot? A drawing? What? You guys get to choose something.

Report Lethally Insane · 244 views ·
Comments ( 78 )

Happy birthday to you. ^0^

Well, Happy Birthday my friend!

3755897 Thanks you guys! Got any requests for my gift to you?

Well happy birthday my friend!:pinkiehappy::yay:

3755901 A drawings sounds cool. ^0^

3755910 :yay:! Possibly a drawing :twilightsheepish: also be prepared for 50-75% off Valentine's candy in most retail stores!:yay::pinkiecrazy:

Happy Birthday!! :3

3755912 drawing it is then.
3755916 bro, that's the best part. My family always raids the supermarket for it.
3755924 thanks guys!

3755946 True! Me and my friends we just got back from raiding a Rite-Aid and one of my girls says "girl look at this huge bow of chocolates!" so I looks and I see a HUGE! Heart-shaped box of Lindor truffles. So of course I grabbed it and like 30 other things of candy!:rainbowlaugh:

Your welcome! :3

3755957 mmmmmm..... Truffles. That's the shit man.
3755960 yesh.
3755962 neat.

3755970 yes...in your case they'd be post V-day/B-day truffles!:pinkiehappy:

3755973 indeed. I always go for the russle stover or witmans.

3755976 Yeah! The Russel Stover are the BEST! My great-great aunt used to always have those at her house (along with those danish butter cookies) whenever the nieces or nephews came over.:pinkiesmile:

3755985 my mom would always buy us the samplers for V-day. Some of the fondest memories I have.

3755989 yeah those are always the good memories...always involving food!:pinkiehappy:

Happy birthday. All I can ask of you is to accept my internet hugs. That is, if you're okay with internet hugs. :pinkiesmile:

3755993 yep.
3755994 I accept the internet hugs.

3756004 *gives you virtual chocolate and b-day squeeze!*:pinkiehappy:

3756008 got mine from a company called Ultrasabers that cost me about 100 with shipping. It's pretty great, almost have enough to get a non traitorous Sith saber.

3756019 No problem!:pinkiehappy:(:rainbowlaugh: Irony! "Problem" by Ariana Grande just came on on my phone!:rainbowlaugh:)

3756032 lol. I never really heard her music before.

3756037 really? Well then I'd recommend this song!:pinkiesmile:

3756038 thanks!
3756041 okay.... Which one exactly?

3756061 can I show you some of the music I listen too? Ariana has the voice and the looks, I guess it just isn't my type of music. I don't really listen to pop a whole lot.

3756086 Understandable! and sure!:pinkiehappy:

Happy bday:pinkiehappy:

3756256 cool. I should link you some of the more brutal stuff.

3756266 that stuff is pretty light when you get into some of the more obscure genres, or some of there other songs.

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