Backstory of "The Dimensional Observatory" · 6:53pm Feb 14th, 2016
I realized that the reason behind the Creation of the Observatory was a bit...vague. So I'm going to explain it in a bit more detail how the story came to be. Keep in mind that this won't be explained in the story itself.
Before Equestria was made, there was a land known as Dream Valley. You might know it from the First Generation of the show. Anyway, one day, an alien spacecraft landed in the valley, which caught the attention of Twilight, Applejack, Posey, Minty, Firefly, and Surprise. A figure emerged from the craft, saying that he was Solaris, a Vortex Master. He said he was looking for Negative Energy, so the six ponies decided to help him. As they adventured through the valley, they chatted along the way. Solaris told the ponies of his home, and his father, while the ponies told him about themselves and their home. However, Surprise said something that caught the attention of the Vortex Master. She said that she had an amazing ability. She had the ability to see through Dimensions and into other realities. Solaris, before, thought that it was impossible to even SEE through the Imagisphere, the boundary between dimension A and dimension B and all the others. However, it seems that she had this ability. This gave him an idea. After they purged the Negative Forces out of Dream Valley, Solaris decided that he wanted to do one last thing. He constructed an Observatory where others could see into Alternate Worlds, thanks to the inner magic of Surprise powering it. He waved goodbye, and departed. The observatory, many years later, was buried. least, until his son, Vohr T. Tex, discovered it.
This is not a solution to the problem I presented.
3754030 Well, shoot, I guess I am not cut out to be a writer...wait, did I ever say this was a solution to my problem?
I never said you weren't cut out to be a writer. I said that you had problems in your story that you needed to work on. Writing a blog is not a solution to those problems.
3754067 And, once again, I never said that this was a solution. I just wanted to build backstory of the location so I won't get comments about why the Observatory exists. And I SOMEWHAT believe what I said about not being "cut out". I am a simple Middle School student, so cut me some slack. I WANTED to take writing classes, but "NO" they said. "YOU NEED TO WORK ON MATH EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE AN A!" I was never properly educated on writing.!!!
Sorry...just kinda Hulked out there, didn't I?
3754108 And besides, I hope to work on another project.
The modern education system does have some... drawbacks.
Still, I'm not the sort to prod at something unless I think it's worthwhile.
3754116 Well, I think I'll put the story on hold for now. I'll see if I can improve my writing in that new project I mentioned earlier.