• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2023

Shadowmane PX-41

Just your average british lad. I write things for a living. It’s the strangest living you’ll ever find, second only to my inability to take myself off of the grid.

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Inspirational · 8:44pm Feb 12th, 2016

When you begin something, you must finish it. When we have to fight, we must fight and finish said fight in whatever way you wish.

When the world begins to overshadow you, you must rise above the shadows and do something truly magnificent. Pull off something that no-one has ever seen of or heard before, and you will become very popular for it. Take anything that hasn't been done yet, and present it in an appealing way, to truly grind out your success.

When you feel backed into a corner, you must calm yourself, as you realize that there will always be a way to escape from your confines and turn your trap into an opportunity.

When cast out of one thing, you must strive to join more and more so that you can patch the aching hole that the bans leave behind. The more you cram into the void, the less and less you care about the stuff that happened in the past.

Finally, when you are a brony, you must always remember that while we are a loving community, there is still a way to cause infighting amongst us. Only when the fighting is eradicated can we truly be a harmonious community...

Report Shadowmane PX-41 · 157 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

3750193 Anyone can be a good person if they truly try to change with all of their heart...

Wow, talk about timing. I've had the worst week, emotionally speaking, and felt like I'd hit rock bottom...
Seeing what you've written has made me feel a bit more calm. I can't give up, I have to keep trying to get through to that one person, and hope they'll forgive me.

Thanks, for that...

And hopefully I'll meet some new people at BUCKCON when I get there..finally booked the tickets...

3750197 Everyone can be orignial, Castaway. Just look at what I've created.

Even you can have inspirational moments, like when you wrote Ponyhemian Rhapsody. Sure it was a parody, but you executed it in a truly bedazzling way...

3750199 I know how you feel, Pixel. I've had moments where I feel like this site has harmed me more than I know, but I keep on going, knowing that it has no impact on me and is just a great way to write stories that everyone can love...

3750206 But I hope that I can get to understand you better and help you feel better about yourself...

3750211 Don't doubt yourself, Castaway. Self-pity makes things worse, and if we can learn to move on from it, we can become much better people as a result...

3750205 you're right, there is a lot of good we can do. I just have to fight past that fear that I'll mess it up. I love writing, yet it feels like I've lost touch these last few months. It's time to get back into it.

It's also time to change some things, including taking a look at my own feelings, not just worrying about how everyone else sees me and my work. Find a productive way to channel this depression, maybe start making those LetsPlays I've always dreamed about?

You've given me a lot to think about, which is an absolute lifesaver today...:twilightsmile:

Only when this is eradicated can we truly be a harmonious community...

But would you actually want that? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Anyway, any is of 'must' in that way is inherently incorrect, therefore I reject your assertion.

3750345 Context:

Finally, when you are a brony, you must always remember that while we are a loving community, there is still a way to cause infighting amongst us. Only when this is eradicated can we truly be a harmonious community...

Either I'm missing something really obvious, or you're a Windigo and feed on hate. Those are the only two explanations I can think of for why you wouldn't want a harmonious community.

3751169 You're missing something really obvious.

Just as conflict is the lifeblood of good stories, so is conflict the lifeblood of personal growth and cultural advancement. Disorder and disagreement is a necessary factor in weeding out bad ideas and allowing everyone to be honest and expressed. I've seen what social-justice hugboxes turn into and it's the most putrid cultural space I can imagine.

Harmony as a utopia only exists in stories because it can't happen, and it shouldn't happen. Disagreement and conflict is not antithetical to respect, and respect is what matters, not harmony. A lack of dissent is disrespectful to what human beings actually are, and somewhat ignorant to boot.

3751169 I do not hate the community, and I am definitely not a Windigo. I mean, come on, that would basically be the ghost of the Dazzlings...

3751257 I think the confusion here is that you didn't quite mean what I thought you did, and I reacted in a slightly knee-jerk manner. There's a spectrum between "Gen 3 happy community" and "grimdark divided community". What I originally thought you were trying to say is that we should strive to be a Gen 3 happy community, which I don't agree with. What I think you're actually trying to say is that we should strive to be towards that end but not too close, which I do agree with. Conflict in the sense of "politely handled differences of opinion" is necessary, and I agree with you on that; I'm hoping you agree with me that it's not necessary for that to escalate into bloody infighting and loss of friends.

3751266 No, not you, him. :rainbowwild: Apologies for inadvertently catching you in the crossfire.

3751328 My only issue is that no community ever prospers by becoming a thought-policed hug-box, and most variations of harmony tend to end up with some totalitarian dick-cheese trying to force everyone to be 'good'. We went through this with all the 'love and tolerate' bullshit already and had to kick that to the curb before it got out of control.

It's easy to disagree with someone you don't like. The real challenge is disagreeing vehemently with someone you love (and not being a dick about it). In the end, I'd rather people be themselves so I can walk away from anyone who outs themselves as an asshole; I sure as hell don't want those assholes pretending to play ball so that I can't see them as clearly.

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