The new chapter is finally complete · 9:13pm Dec 18th, 2015
So as you can probably already tell from the title, the new chapter of A Crystal Revolution is up.
I know I was dead for a while, but I'm back know and will do my best to try and make it up although there is only so much I can do at the moment. However I have decided that a massive step forward would be getting the aid of an editor or proofreader just to check through all new chapters and give the occasional nudge (or shove ) in the right direction. So if anyone wants to lend a hand it would be much appreciated.
As always, if you have any comments, criticisms or even an idea of what you want to start seeing please feel free to let me know
thanks, after you've read please let me know what you think about it, I honestly don't know if it's up to scratch or not 
I shall my friend. Though that might take time since I'm heading out to some party soon
I have traveled through time and space to ask:
When will the next chapter come out?
Don't mean to nag.