• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 3rd, 2017

Stalins Moustache

"Silence is an argument carried by other means"-Che Guevara

More Blog Posts10

  • 411 weeks
    Don't you just love it when...

    When you come home late in the night from a school trip to Berlin tired, jetlagged but happy you got the chance to go but wind up sleeping in the next day because who really wants to wake up at 7:00 to go to school when you look outside and notice snow. It was also the perfect scenario to have missed the bus and have to walk all the way to school, which took an hour in the cold :fluttercry:

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    6 comments · 272 views
  • 413 weeks
    New Profile Picture

    Finally have a picture of the big man himself-Uncle Joe

    Only took me a little more than two years to figure it out :derpytongue2:

    3 comments · 304 views
  • 477 weeks
    The new chapter is finally complete

    So as you can probably already tell from the title, the new chapter of A Crystal Revolution is up.

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    4 comments · 279 views
  • 477 weeks
    Guess who's back

    So after a long absence I have gotten so bored distraught with life over the loss of this community that I'm rebooting my old account. So if anyone wants to just get in touch or even needs a place to talk, I'm only a PM away :pinkiehappy:

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    20 comments · 291 views
  • 505 weeks
    Fallout 4, amongst other things

    welp it's finally came true, my dream of reaching seventy followers right before the Fallout 4 announcement :pinkiehappy:

    Here's a link to the trailer for the long awaited return of the messiah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE2BkLqMef4

    So anyway pre ordering it for more than obvious reasons :raritywink:, I'm so pumped right now :pinkiecrazy:

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    2 comments · 369 views

Fallout 4, amongst other things · 4:10pm Jun 3rd, 2015

welp it's finally came true, my dream of reaching seventy followers right before the Fallout 4 announcement :pinkiehappy:

Here's a link to the trailer for the long awaited return of the messiah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE2BkLqMef4

So anyway pre ordering it for more than obvious reasons :raritywink:, I'm so pumped right now :pinkiecrazy:

My question to you my dear followers is this:

What faction would you like to see implemented in the game, be it one from previous games or even a new faction?
I personally would like to see the return of the Chinese Military

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Report Stalins Moustache · 369 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I want the NCR to try and take over Boston.

3120332 Yeah I suppose although I hope they make them look a lot more like some of the NCR Replacer mods (especially Dragbody's) because their vanilla armour is just a bit meh

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