Fallout 4, amongst other things · 4:10pm Jun 3rd, 2015
welp it's finally came true, my dream of reaching seventy followers right before the Fallout 4 announcement
Here's a link to the trailer for the long awaited return of the messiah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE2BkLqMef4
So anyway pre ordering it for more than obvious reasons , I'm so pumped right now
My question to you my dear followers is this:
What faction would you like to see implemented in the game, be it one from previous games or even a new faction?
I personally would like to see the return of the Chinese Military
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I want the NCR to try and take over Boston.
3120332 Yeah I suppose although I hope they make them look a lot more like some of the NCR Replacer mods (especially Dragbody's) because their vanilla armour is just a bit meh