• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen September 30th

Stardom Freedom

just kind of here, i guess.

More Blog Posts245

  • 279 weeks
    wow she's inactive

    hi guys! ok so my epic comeback wasn't very epic. but i was just feeling nostalgic and felt like coming back here, just to read my old stories and blog posts. not gonna lie, i cringed the whole time. :twilightoops: but taking a trip down memory lane was fun.

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    0 comments · 332 views
  • 374 weeks
    Questions About My Account, Stories, Etc

    So, now that I'm back, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm also hardly going to be as active, so I'm still questioning what to do with this account.

    First of all, should I make a new one (account)? This account is pretty old and screams "younger me" *coughcoughmycringystoriescoughcough*. So, should I make a new account with a new name, new stories, everything?

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    8 comments · 514 views
  • 374 weeks
    I'm Back!: A More Detailed Post

    Well, hello there! I see you've stumbled upon my page again. You've probably forgotten about me until now. Maybe you've missed me. Either way, I'd like to say hi! I'm back for good.

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    16 comments · 477 views
  • 374 weeks
    *coughs* Dead Account Much? Lol Henlo

    Wow... it's been a while, eh, Fimfiction? I wonder how much this site has change... heck, I wonder if you guys even remember me. It's been over a year.

    I'm here to say that I'm back... for good this time. Yays! :pinkiehappy:

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    4 comments · 429 views
  • 449 weeks

    Just thought I'd come on and say hi... only this once, unless you're lucky. I miss you guys, but I'm getting through. I may come back to this site one day, just so you know. There's your message from me. SUCK ON THAT, I AIN'T DEAD!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

    If you were a close friend of mine and want to email me:


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    10 comments · 591 views

I'm Sorry + My New Favorite Pony! · 3:32pm Nov 23rd, 2015

I'm really sorry about that blog I posted yesterday. I had gotten off for a few minutes, then I got back on and got a feed full of unhappy, depressing, suicidal blogs. Then I just snapped, and made that blog.

Lethally Insane, I'm sorry for misunderstanding you.

Everyone else (especially people such as Rosegamer and Kabuto901), I'm sorry for being harsh.

I hope you all forgive me for my stupid behavior.

On a happier note, I have a new favorite pony!

Countess Coloratura is Best Pony.

Comments ( 12 )

You OK, Star? If I can help in anyway, send me a PM.

You PM me. I'm on my tablet and I can't send PMs from there.

You can always PM me if you need to talk

Hope you're feeling better.:pinkiesad2: I'm here if you ever need anything.


Watch it then! I think you'll agree with me!

You probably unfollowed me too, didn't you?

That sounds great. I have seen it for myself and can accurately point out that it is stunning in its beauty.

I especially like the decision to pair AJ with Countess Coloratura. Quite a few Bronies know how talented at the singing field the two of them together happen to be, so there was a lot of intelligence present in the relationship between Applejack and Countess Coloratura.

Here's my thought process on the episode that aired this past weekend.

You're not the only one who has Rara as the new favorite character :raritywink: Damn! Lena Hall's voice is so beautiful and it made me love the character even more :pinkiehappy:

3563778 DAMMIT, LENA HALL! Yup. New Best Pone is Rara. She. Is. Awesome! That voice! I just... AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

That's exactly why she's the best.

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