Questions About My Account, Stories, Etc · 1:36am Oct 4th, 2017
So, now that I'm back, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm also hardly going to be as active, so I'm still questioning what to do with this account.
First of all, should I make a new one (account)? This account is pretty old and screams "younger me" *coughcoughmycringystoriescoughcough*. So, should I make a new account with a new name, new stories, everything?
Also, I cancelled two stories when I left: The Pony Games and Different Sides Combined. Should I continue them? If I do, I will most likely pick some totally new OCs.
Lastly, should I rewrite my stories? Looking back, they are pretty amazing! I couldn't do better!
Sike, you thought, they are CRINGY. It's hard for me to reread them without wanting to throw my laptop out the window. So, should I make totally new versions of these stories? This includes adding more detail, character development, and I will definitely work on my PACING. That was a huge issue with my stories; many people pointed it out and now I can see it.
You may also be wondering how often I will be on. Most likely, the weekends and school breaks. But, even on the weekends I may be busy. It ultimately comes down to my schedule and decisions.
Please give me your opinions on these questions! I would love to hear them, because I am really going to need some help.
Really? I thought that alts were allowed. I've been told that if you used them to like your own stories, or to follow yourself, or things like that, then it would be considered alt abuse.
Thanks for telling me.
Nothing much, really. You?
Heyyy welcome back! I just recently returned myself (and read all of my cringe-inducing horrors I once called stories twritten by 12 year-old me) and changed my name, as you can obviously see. I think you should keep this account, and reboot the Pony Games! I've honestly been wishing you would come back and finish it and HUZZAH. HERE YOU ARE.
I think I might go back and rewrite some of my stories too, because they all kinda suck... Welp. Anyway, welcome back!