• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2019


More Blog Posts70

  • 582 weeks
    So, it's my Birthday tomorrow, and I got the most amazing cake...

    Sweet? Right? And that wasn't even meant to be a pun.

    So, I'm 19 now. In Canada, that's the legal drinking age. I'm going out with my dad to the bar to celebrate! Who's joining?

    And since I've got your attention, I'm not dead. Actually, I'm more active than ever.

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    6 comments · 848 views
  • 583 weeks
    I'm Back + What I've been scheming

    Well, more so, back to my normal behavior. I've been back from Vietnam for two weeks now, but I'm only now fully used to Canada time, Canada Food, and Canada Environment. I have a lot to tell you about the trip, but those blogs will come soon.

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    5 comments · 755 views
  • 586 weeks
    Miss you all!

    Two things.

    One, I miss you all and I cant wait to come back (Which will be a while still)

    Two, visiting the Temple of Literature practically evoked devine insperation. I know exactly what I'm going to be writing now, and it will not only surpass it's predecesser, it'll allow me the oppertunity to share the world with you, my faithful followers.

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    5 comments · 653 views
  • 587 weeks
    Vietnam, here I come!

    Hay all!

    I thought I should mention that I will be going on a two week hiatus.

    As the title states, I'll be flying out to Vietnam to see the sights and search for inspiration.

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    4 comments · 651 views
  • 588 weeks
    The day and life of a workhorse

    Good morning everypony, or, at least I think it's morning.

    Time has lost it's flow for me, and I've become a slave to Canadian winter. At-least I'm getting paid.

    Yes, my job is extremely tiring, but I'm making good money so I'm happy.

    So here I sit, stinking of gasoline and cigarette smoke, black hands, red cheeks. Eeyup, the never ending shift has finally finished.

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Chapter 10 Preview! · 3:33pm Aug 12th, 2012

Hay all!

Before I get into the preview, I have to insert a little bragging... I cant help myself. Bare with me!


Life and Death of a DJ... Featured!

But seriously, that was a dream come true for me.

When I first started writing for the sight, I looked up at those that were given the honor of being in the feature box and felt both both jealous and amazed. I made a deal with myself that someday, I'd be up their as well!

Now check this: I'm playing Skyrim four months later, slaying a dragon, and my friend Skype's me. Minuets before, I had asked him to read through my new bridge and make sure I had everything smoothed over. Moments later, he had come back telling me that my story was up in the feature box. Of course initially, I diden't believe him, I thought to myself, 'me, in the feature box... lol', but out of curiosity, I went over to see for myself. Turns out it was there... I think my heart skipped a beat.

To this date over 120 people are following my story, I have 76 amazing comments, 76 likes (2 dislikes), and 24 new followers to my homepage!

But this feature box deal should be a celebration spread throughout all of you that decided to leave those comments, follow my story, or add those likes! Obviously, without your love, my story would have gotten nowhere!

And now, onto what you actually came here for... Chapter 10 update time!

Chapter 10

With a final look at my audience, I left the DJ stand and exited through backstage into a medium sized staff room. Framed by the colorful walls, the space contained a few couches, a fridge with free cider and energy drinks, a water cooler, and some pictures that I never really paid much attention too. Sighing heavily, I dragged my hooves to the fridge and pulled out an energy drink. Popping the tab off, I cantered over to a nearby couch, sitting down heavily on its cushy surface. With another sigh I took a sip of my energy drink before moaning and falling back onto the chair; letting my body sink in to the fabric. I didn’t know if I could go back out there, I was just so exhausted… I suppose all the late nights I’d been having recently were finally taking their toll.

“A little tiered, are we?” A voice made my eyes snap open. Getting up, I tried to figure out where the source had come from. When my first scan came up with nothing, I fell back, chalking the words up to being a fabrication of my sleep deprived mind.

“Are you in there? I heard your hooves.” the voice came again, and this time, I knew exactly where it was coming from. At the far end of the room, a closed door that led to the main club was securely locked. The voice was coming in from the other side.

“Who’s there?” I asked, getting up and cantering over to the door.

“Celestia.” The unknown male voice said with more than a hint of sarcasm.

Smiling to myself, I arrived at the door. It was rather strange that somepony was on the other side- sure -and I wasn’t expecting enypony... but in all truth, what did I have to lose? It wasn’t like he was going to hurt me or anything, by Luna, I was the beloved DJ of the club… touch a mere hair on my mane without me wanting you to, and you’ve got a room full of fangasaming ponies who would be more than happy to pummel you. Shrugging, I opened the door.


Ee'yup that's what you get! The next chapter should be coming out in two or three days. I'm starting to work again, so I might be a tad slower on updates, but expect at least a new chapter and an update or two chapters each week!


PS: Next up, Equestria Daily :p

Report Syn3rgy · 119 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Congrats, and you're welcome, Syn3rgy.

Aww, shucks. Thanks and your welcome, Syn3rgy! To be fair, though, it was only a matter of time before you became featured. Now that you have gotten to that prestigious box, my drive for the same feat has only increased -- but I digress. Perhaps you would allow me the honor of doing a reading of your epic tale? Anyway, great job! You shall receive a mustache and a Vinyl for your efforts. :moustache:dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_Scratch.png

Congrats on the feature!

282437 Thanks!

282488 A reading... why not? Would you prefer to wait till I have it all done though? And about you getting in the feature box. The answer to that is you will defiantly get in the feature box. Don't even think about getting there, just write, and develop your skills... it's amazing what you can accomplish if you're always striving to get better, and enjoying what you do!

282555 Thank you!


I guess I can wait until Vinyl plays her last chord, despite the fact that it shall not be easy. Once you are finished, is there any particular way you would like her to sound? I don't quite have a voice picked out yet, and I wanted to hear your input. Also, thanks for the encouraging words that will surely assist me in my ever-long quest for the box.

28606 Your recent comments have been so impacting. Instead of following the mundane ways of my other followers, you choose instead to leave me with a single, thought provoking emote. Such levels of profoundness are practically unheard of in my other, drawl commenters.

Please, keep sending such lavish comments to me! Your wise pictures forever leave me wondering what you truly mean!


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