151704 Stuffing around with the site, and found that glorious bastard that is the following button. It was hiding from me, too, but I decided to start following people who made wonderful stories, like yourself. I'm awaiting some updates of yours, by the way.
151698 Well I did like your story from before, and I favourited it before as well, but I've been messing around with the website, and found I could follow you, as well as some other authors. Looking forward to more chapters, anyhow. Good work.
Stuffing around with the site, and found that glorious bastard that is the following button. It was hiding from me, too, but I decided to start following people who made wonderful stories, like yourself. I'm awaiting some updates of yours, by the way.
Well I did like your story from before, and I favourited it before as well, but I've been messing around with the website, and found I could follow you, as well as some other authors. Looking forward to more chapters, anyhow. Good work.
Thanks you for the watch! May I ask you why you clicked on the shiny button?
Why thanks you for the watch, good sir //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Fluttershy_lolface.png !