• Member Since 11th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 24th


More Blog Posts5

  • 460 weeks
    Hello, Hello?


    I plan to rewrite the first chapter before continuing. Most of it is quite contrived, and the scene where they get thrown out of the universe was incredibly rushed.

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    0 comments · 367 views
  • 467 weeks
    Dont know if anyone reads this, but help is needed.

    In good old brittania, some crazy Tolkien fans, are trying to crowdfund a project to BUILD Minas Tirith.

    This is an amazing project, and if anyone wants to help, you can try to get the word out. Post on sites, talk to your crazy oil baron friends, anything.

    Because one day, you might be able to live in Minas Tirith.
    That would be awesome.
    This needs to happen.

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  • 494 weeks
    I'm trying my hand at the production side.

    You heard me. I'm trying to write a FanFic. It's unnamed as of yet, but i have whatmustido helping me with it.
    I'm a link!

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  • 497 weeks
    Hello, are you there Fandom? It's me, Nicksterra.

    Hey everyone. I'm back from a long hiatus.
    Why i'm announcing this, i have no idea, as i am almost a complete unknown on FimFiction.

    I think it could be an interesting idea, among those of us who play Dwarf Fortress to pass around a community fortress, and then post a long running story, season by season, chronicling it.

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    0 comments · 263 views
  • 602 weeks
    why are you people watching me?

    I've never written a story in my life. I don't know most of the games referenced and I haven't seem the last 5 or so episodes. So it begs the question... why?

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    1 comments · 363 views

Hello, Hello? · 11:12pm Oct 2nd, 2015


I plan to rewrite the first chapter before continuing. Most of it is quite contrived, and the scene where they get thrown out of the universe was incredibly rushed.

Don't worry, I will still have the wacky, slightly insane humor, but at the behest of my editor/prereader LateBronyWriter I am rewriting the first chapter into near-coherency.

Now go take your meds.

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