• Member Since 3rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2023


I have no idea what I'm doing.

More Blog Posts27

  • 270 weeks
    Bittersweet Bronycon

    I went to Bronycon this year. It was the first time I'd gone since 2016, and I went because it was the last hurrah. I went as a regular attendee this year; no panels, no working on staff, no crazy schedules or set in stone plans. I just went without really announcing it, and I figured I'd just roll with the punches. I saw new faces, old faces, had experiences familiar and foreign. Some people had

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    11 comments · 957 views
  • 373 weeks
    The Last Crusade - Chinese Edition

    Hey, all! Been a while, hasn't it?

    I thought I'd give a quick signal boost to something pretty cool. A user by the name of Buller Cranet here on fimfiction has given The Last Crusade a full Chinese translation! All 130k+ words of it! Man, that's a lot of words to translate! Color me impressed!

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    7 comments · 891 views
  • 394 weeks
    Looking for good artist to commission for a detailed background piece

    Posting this on both my accounts for increased exposure.

    Just what the title says. I'm looking for an artist to commission for a very detailed background piece, based off a description that I provide. The contents of the art will not be mature, but it will be used as cover art for a mature story.

    Does anyone know of a good artist to recommend?

    4 comments · 584 views
  • 434 weeks
    Bronycon 2016

    As usual, I will be attending Bronycon this year! I'm actually on staff working as a panelist liaison, so I'll be present at almost all the writing panels to help out. If you want to say hi, look for a guy in a staff shirt wearing a black fimfiction hat!

    Hope to see you there!

    0 comments · 548 views
  • 456 weeks
    Out With The Old, In With The New


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    32 comments · 4,042 views

Bronycon 2015 · 12:35am Aug 6th, 2015


So I just got done updating TPOH, I finished moving to a new dorm, I’m currently at work, and I still have to pack after I get off. Needless to say, I’m pretty wiped right now. I would fall asleep at the front desk right now if I thought I could get away with it, but I’m probably gonna have to soldier through.


I got so caught up in get TPOH moving again that I forgot to mention that I’ll be attending again! I’m going to be going at as a panelist, and I’ll be speaking at two separate panels with a bunch of really cool authors.

Here’s what I’m involved in:

Scoping and Sizing Your Story for Success

During this panel full of fan-fiction veterans, we'll discuss scoping a story and the pitfalls and possible rewards of trying to stretch a story beyond its natural size. Discover how stories can range from six to six hundred thousand words and beyond.

Who: Pen Stroke, Wanderer D, ABagOfVicodin, CyborgSamurai, GaryOak
Location: Hall of the Stars
Track: Writing
Start Time: 8/7/2015 10:30 pm
End Time: 8/7/2015 11:30 pm

Worlds Beyond: Crossovers in Fanfiction 2015

Worlds Beyond returns with another in-depth discussion of crossovers in fanfiction: why we love them, what makes them stand out, and tips for aspiring writers!
Who: Capn_Chryssalid Wanderer D, CyborgSamurai, Aquaman, ABagOfVicodin
Location: Hall of the Stars
Track: Writing
Start Time: 8/8/2015 10:30 pm
End Time: 8/8/2015 11:30 pm

I’m super excited for both of these. I kinda wish that we’d gotten a better time slot, but I suppose it’s better than nothing. I’m definitely the little dog in both these line-ups, but it’ll still be cool to see all these guys again and talk horsewords with them.

Want to hear us talk about horsewords? Maybe have a question of your own? Stop on by!

Comments ( 3 )

I would love to go there and meet you personally, but unfortunately I don't have the best circumstances to do that. The best I can do is watch the videos of the panels.

Hmm... I may make the crossover panel. Friday night one of my friends is DJing for Bronypalooza, so I'll be doing my best awkward head bob in a corner

Feels weird to not be on any panels this year :rainbowlaugh:

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