• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2015
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Thought Prism

Founder of Thought Prism Games. Check out my work at thoughtprismgames.com!

More Blog Posts133

  • 9 weeks
    Chapter Six is Almost Ready

    Applezombi is prepping to go to Trotcon though, so it's going to be a bit longer before they can go over the final draft. I appreciate your patience.

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  • 20 weeks
    Another Rising Flames Progress Update

    It'll probably be another two weeks before chapter four is ready, give or take. It's needed far more editing than any chapter so far, and also more than any chapter to follow, most likely. Actually, this single chapter has probably undergone more revisions than any other piece of fiction I've ever worked on. I went overboard on the original version due to my desire for drama, which led to drama

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  • 30 weeks
    Rising Flames Progress Update

    Just letting everybody know, it's going to be a bit longer before Chapter Three drops. In addition to refining our editing process to be more collaborative (I was letting my mindset from my game development work bleed into here, when my priorities with Rising Flames are very different), Spell Check and applezombi pointed out a bunch of issues with my outline that I've been diligently

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  • 34 weeks
    My new company: Thought Prism Games!

    I’ve got an exciting announcement today! Some of you might have been wondering what I’ve been up to outside the fanfic front, and now I’m ready to share at last. I am proud to announce and launch my new card game company: Though Prism Games! I have two fresh releases: Carddrop, a nifty little dexterity game to enjoy with regular playing cards, and Veebar, a fun two-player experience for all ages.

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  • 41 weeks
    Rising Flames Release Date!


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Pick what I write next! · 2:51am Jun 29th, 2015

Greetings, loyal followers (and everyone else)! So, here's the deal. I have a lot of story ideas, and a limited life expectancy. A couple of funny one-shots are in the works right now, but after that, I'm not sure what to do. Therefore, I wish to receive your input as to what you might want to read next. I shall list various possibilities below, in no particular order. Just let me know in the comments what appeals to you. Feel free to suggest your own ideas as well, be they original prompts, or franchises to crossover with. Or, if you get inspired, I'd be game with letting some of these go to other authors strapped for concepts (again, inform me first). Let's jump right in, then.

More chapters of Name Rater EDIT: this is my current project

So, here's the thing. I have some thoughts for a few more chapters bouncing around, but while they would be funny, I still have no ideas for a proper ending. If you just want more laughs, that's great. As for a properly closed character arc... not so much.

Code Name: STEAM Adaptation

Have you ever wanted to see Applejack kick a mini-Cthulu in the face? Than this action/comedy is for you. See, Code Name: STEAM is a recently released 3DS game where president Abraham Lincoln puts together a team of elite agents to defend a steampunk alternate reality from the hostile takeover of eldritch horrors. Said agents are all borrowed from famous works of literature, including the four main characters from the Wizard of Oz. Just swap Oz for Equestria and bam, instant pony fic. Applejack, Bon Bon (yay ep100), Daring Do, and Twilight would be included. Let's face it, Dash and Pinkie would suck at stealth missions, while Fluttershy and Rarity would just faint on the spot the minute they laid eyes on a single abomination.

Archer Crossover

As in the show on FX, not the stupid character from FSN. Here's the premise. You know how the latest season of the show ended with Archer announcing that he had a brilliant moneymaking venture? Well, it fails miserably, but Krieger has a better idea. See, he uses his hologram technology to bring the Mane Six into being, with the intention of making bronies pay out the wazoo for a chance to meet them. The only problem? The ponies are self-aware. And they want to go home. Antics ensue.

Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder

Ingeniously punny title aside, not sure how unique this would be. It would somehow involve a D&D Beholder. You know, one of those floating heads with the one big eye and a bunch of smaller, laser-firing eyestalks. The elements could fight one. Or maybe it shows up to ask Rarity for a dress, I dunno.

Luna OP (And also an Idiot)

Upon rewatching 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils', I realized that Luna could somehow project real events into ponies' minds, from those they hadn't witnessed to those that had yet to occur. So, if all of time is within her grasp, why the hell didn't she realize that the whole Nightmare Moon thing wasn't going to work? Because she's stupid, that's why (still best pony, though). After a bout of depression prompted by this realization, Luna takes it upon herself to mold the future to her liking. This involves a spell to turn everypony nocturnal and trade roles with her sister. Hue hue hue hue hue.

Tree Hugger X The Dude

So, the feedback I've received from friends regarding my novel involves multiple people claiming to have liked the romantic subplot more than all the cool sci-fi stuff for some reason. Recently I had the idea of writing a shipfic with Tree Hugger and The Dude, otherwise known as the Lebowski Pony. They'd be perfect for eachother, IMO. However, romance doesn't come to me as easily as comedy or action does, so this one probably won't get made unless I see overwhelming support for it.

Selector Infected WIXOSS Adaptation

The best way to describe the WIXOSS anime would be as a blend of Yu-Gi-Oh and Madoka Magica. So, girls playing a crazy card game to get their wishes granted, until it gets really dark. I'd argue the show is a hidden gem in the states, packed with emotion and intrigue. Its themes of friendship, determination, and hope mesh nicely with the world of ponies. Unlike the others, this fic would be on the long side, eventually having a chapter for all 24 episodes. An alternate universe would be employed here, as I'd have to alter the ages and relationships of many characters, as well as change the setting to Manehattan. Applebloom would most likely be the protagonist, with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Trixie, and Twilight playing other key parts along with some other show ponies and OCs. If this sounds super interesting, don't go watch the show until I figure out if I'm tackling this, spoilers will ruin the drama.


So, Party Pooped just happened. The yaks were great. Now there should be a fic detailing some of the daily lives of the yaks. Naturally, any minor problem would instantly devolve into an enormous brawl. And of course Yakyakistan would somehow still be better off than Griffinstone.

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Comments ( 2 )

I would like more chapters in Name Rater please.

It's best not to leave a fic unfinished for too long. I'd love to see more Name Rater.

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