Another Rising Flames Progress Update · 12:14am April 25th
It'll probably be another two weeks before chapter four is ready, give or take. It's needed far more editing than any chapter so far, and also more than any chapter to follow, most likely. Actually, this single chapter has probably undergone more revisions than any other piece of fiction I've ever worked on. I went overboard on the original version due to my desire for drama, which led to drama in excess alongside myriad other issues.
While you're waiting, I have two more new games available on my website,! Both are quite innovative and fun, plus there are free rules pdfs to look at before you commit to a purchase. My plan is to license them to publishers, so if any of you have an in with a tabletop games company, do me a solid and let me know, thanks!
No problem, I don't mind the wait.
Good luck!