• Member Since 7th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017

Pav Feira

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I'm totes alive. Have some goodies. · 11:19pm Jul 22nd, 2012

Sorry for the extended break between chapters, everypony! You know it's bad when it's been a long time even by my standards. Between BronyCon, the Ponychan competition, and some various RL business, I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and write. Hopefully that should be changing as of tonight! Meaning that the next chapter will officially be Soon™

But y'all aren't here to listen to me make excuses! You're here because you rival Rainbow Dash with your loyalty. And appetite. So while I'm working in the kitchen (where all gingers belong) cooking up a new MLCT chapter, help yourself to some appetizers!

First off, I've been teasing the Ponychan competition for quite some time now. Now that it's finally over, I can reveal that I was the author of Thesis. It was a fun little experiment and I was really pleased with the feedback I received in the competition. I'll be polishing up the ending and eventually reposting it here under my account, but if you want, help yourself to the competition's version. If you like MLCT, you'll love Thesis, because the former is a crossover with a beloved, groundbreaking 90's JRPG, and the latter has Twilestia.

While you're in the neighborhood, there were lots of great entries in that competition. Here's a few of my favorites:
+ No Foals by Flashgen. A few years after the show, AJ and RD are married, yet not everything is sunshine and rainbows. My personal favorite from the competition.
+ Only Half by The Great and Powerful!Trixie. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are being their usual bratty selves, until they cross the line. Won 3rd place.
+ Never by shortskirtsandexplosions. Yes, that shortskirtsandexplosions. He whipped together a 21,000-word novella in a single weekend about Celestia and Luna's past, which had me sobbing by the end. So jelly. Won 2nd place.
+ Sweet Escape by Bob from Bottles. When you're the princesses of Equestria, you can spend your afternoon just about any way you want. A lighthearted comedic romp. Won 1st place.

Last but certainly not least for the MLCT fans out there, I was recently invited to appear on the Brony Bookclub podcast! We got to discuss MLCT in a fair bit of detail, a little bit about my writing process, and the subgenre of fusion fics as a whole. Thanks again to Roy and Sam for having me; I had a blast! I'd definitely encourage you to give a listen to the podcast episode. If you're rather hear them interviewing an author with actual talent, you could also check out their other interviews with Moon Shooter (author of Sweetie's Mansion), psychicscubadiver (author of The Dresden Fillies), or stay tuned for next week when the guest will be Dubs Rewatcher (author of the hilarious ...But the Kitchen Sink).

Report Pav Feira · 203 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

You give yourself far too little credit, Pav! You're an excellent author, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter of MLCT.

On another note, I updated Pony Fantasy IV recently. Perhaps you'd like to share your view on the latest chapter?

Ah that's right! Must catch up on my favs. I'll get right on that :rainbowkiss:

MLCT just did the imposible , make me play CT again:yay:
you are a awesome writter:rainbowkiss:

I really appreciate the name drop Pav. It means a lot to know you enjoyed the story so much, and I do hope to have a revised version up soon.

Just listened to the Brony Bookclub podcast you were on and wanted to mention that one other fandom that gets crossed over/fused with a lot of things is Ranma 1/2. It's the fandom that I was involved in before ponies corrupted me forever. While the quantity of pony fics has overtaken that in the past year, Ranma was just one of those series that was easy to implant the characters into just about anything. Good times.

Also, thanks for the plug for FFVI, even though I wasn't part of the project at that point. Your talk with the hosts about not just doing a copypaste of the character names into a game script is very much on Trevor's and my mind whenever we brainstorm ideas. It's one of those worries that weigh on me that I'm not doing enough to distance myself from the original story while still keeping the plot moving. Like you said, it's not as easy as it looks when done right.

Nice work!

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