• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Singularity Dream

The pony processing organ in my head still has some foreign non-pony contaminants.

More Blog Posts448

  • 59 weeks
    For anime and rpg fans!

    To let people know that a really cool new RPG is coming out! It's already got base funding, but more people who support is more copies of it out in the world!

    BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime

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    2 comments · 174 views
  • 144 weeks
    Sincere Shilling!

    If you like D&D stuff, or just tabletop rpg stuff in general, one of the people I follow online is trying to get funding to create something to sell for Dungeon Masters to increase immersion.

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    0 comments · 260 views
  • 234 weeks
    Happy Holidays

    This is your yearly reminder that I wrote a decently funny Christmas story in the long-ago times. If you haven't read it, you should! If you have read it, maybe you should just stick with blurred memories of how good it was.

    1 comments · 424 views
  • 256 weeks

    So, due to my high level connections here and there, I now have an advance copy of several highly sought after ponyfic books. Now that I've had a chance to check several of them out in person, I have to say that Ponyfeather Publishing does excellent work. Anyone able to pick one up, at Bronycon or ordering them afterward, should totally do so.

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  • 258 weeks
    Last Week on City Of Doors 7/7/2019

    So, I've actually been posting on my primary blog lately. Which has been nice, given that I've pulled myself out of depression enough to actually do stuff like that. So, here's been my daily content over there:

    Anime: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

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R4 (Reactions, Reviews, Reference, Redirection) #0099 · 3:58am Apr 11th, 2015

Here are five old reviews:
Blinded by Fashion by Esle Ynopemos
A Full Royal Petition by aduck
Fluttershy Gets Replaced By A Sherman Tank by Estee
Dancing on Silver Strings by Mystic
It's Not Funny, Spikey Wikey! by TheNewYorkBrony

Blinded by Fashion by Esle Ynopemos
[story link] [my original review]

This would make a fun episode. Not that the style is quite there, but the story would be funny with a visual element. Then again it did a really good job at giving us the perspective of someone who has been struck blind, so you’d lose that. So maybe it’s better as is. Which is praise in itself. The author did a really good job using the advantages of written language to good effect. It would be a challenge adapting the story to another form of media and keep the same level of quality. Would require just taking the basic concept and re-writing it. Anyway, this was a very funny story. Very episodic with a setup/problem/resolution arc that was nicely paced.

A Full Royal Petition by aduck
[story link] [my original review]

This was a very fun story. Lighthearted fun and comedy. Plus some indirect worldbuilding (which is the best kind of worldbuilding). Tucked in here is one of my favorite types of stories involving Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle, her after she’s made the inital adjustments and gotten used to immortality but still is getting used to the more exotic parts of the whole immortal god-queen thing. This is another one that could easily be a episode of the show. It has just the right kind of silly humor in it. I really liked the backstories for the characters we meet that are touched on, but never fully explained. Spike in charge of a retirement home was actually something that struck me as something that fit him really well. Plus the Canterlot-wide pillow fight as the grand finale was funny as heck.

Fluttershy Gets Replaced By A Sherman Tank by Estee
[story link] [my original review]

This was hilarious. If only most crackfics were this nicely constructed. I was reminded of A Self-Referential Story, in a good way. This was fun, but not mean-spirited except in a few tiny ways that were more comedy slapstick then actually mean. Comments about the fandom and fan fiction in general. I spend a good amount of this story laughing out loud. Additional Edit: Also, this is another wonderful example of comedic chapter titles.

Dancing on Silver Strings by Mystic
[story link] [my original review]

Pretty good, but a bit vague. I must admit the specifics of this story passed by me. I got the basic gist of it but the ending left me a little confused. This is the second or third fic I’ve read that has an encounter between Princess Celestia and Discord right after Twilight Sparkle and friends rush off into the maze during the Return Of Harmony episodes. Just seems like a good spot to fill in for those two immortals to have a confrontation. This is a pretty good story about the two of them and their relationship. I’ve read better, but this is above average in quality. I’d recommend it.

It's Not Funny, Spikey Wikey! by TheNewYorkBrony
[story link] [my original review]

I actually had a hard time telling if this was a humanized version or not. Had to go back and double-check once I had finished it, found a mention of hands. Not sure if that level of ambiguity is a good thing. On one hand it means the author was more focused on the character’s personalities instead of the nuts and bolts of physical stuff. On the other hand it kind of removes some of the uniqueness of the setting and means there is little to no focus on body language, which is someone bad storytelling. Guess it’s just a matter of preference. Anyway, this was okay. If you like Spike/Rarity this is a decent slice of life, but nothing special. For those who don’t like that pairing this certainly won’t change your mind. I will mention that it takes place probably about a decade or so in the future from the show, so it is a aged-up spike. Not that the story makes much of an effort to emphasize that.

As always, The Big Master Review List is here: { THE MASTER LIST }
If you know of a text-format reviewer I'm not keeping track of, please let me know and I'll see if they meet the criteria to be assimilated into the list.

If you are an author who wants a more detailed review of a story I've covered feel free to message me. My reviews tend to be fairly light, mostly just reactions to a story right after reading it. I am happy to give a more careful read and reply to anyone who wants more precision and/or feedback. It might take a while, as more precision means I need to actually think about things instead of just doing stream of consciousness typing.

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