Why I'm Not Really On Here Anymore · 2:54am Mar 10th, 2015
This'll be short but whatever someone might be interested.
Yeah yeah I haven't touched this place since my last blog except for checking up on notifications once and a while, and that may just be because I'm lazy. Actually, yeah, that's probably a big reason. That and I have a lot more things to do now. Advanced high school classes plus all my other hobbies sorta sucks up all of my time.
Um, how should I put this, this is mainly a really personal reason? A relationship is what kept me so into Fimfiction, and I really hate thinking about it now. I have a lot of unresolved feelings that I really shouldn't resolve, because it'll just cause unnecessary pain and fuss for everyone. I have a new relationship now anyway, so I'm spending more time with her over on Tumblr as opposed to here on Fimfiction, if you know what I mean?
Hehe, calling it PTSD is quite an exaggeration, but I kinda get uncomfortable coming back on here. It brings up a lot of memories that I really really don't want to think about. It feels like I'm just sorting through old dating stuff and that's always embarrassing and awkward. Sorry for all of the friends I've made on here because I'm hardly keeping touch. Then again, I'm always bad at that :p
That and it's been ages since any new content has come out. Why does Season 5 take so long?
Be sure that you're missed in your absence. Although we're here to wish you only happiness. If coming to fimfic is hard for you, you should just follow your heart's desire, my dear mistress.
I'm gonna miss you! I'm sorry if anything bad happened between you and he-who-shall-not-be-named (starts with dun). But I hope that maybe soon there will be a rebound and you'll come back. But if not, farewell!