• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2021


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  • 167 weeks
    Where To Find Me

    Greetings fillies and gentle colts of Ye Olde Fimfiction!

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    5 comments · 255 views
  • 379 weeks

    I forgot I never finished publishing my stories even though Committee is all written... I'll do that for y'all sorry (I don't even remember a lot of what happens in this story it's been so long but shruggie I hope you guys enjoy it)

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    7 comments · 590 views
  • 478 weeks
    FAQ of questions nobody asked

    If I'm back I might as well reintroduce myself with random questions nobody cares for but I still feel like answering
    Q: best pony?
    A: still Twilight, nothing's changed

    Q:... Who are you?

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    13 comments · 621 views
  • 478 weeks
    Possibly to be more active??

    I didn't intend for this to happen
    I kinda forgot how fun the site was so I might be coming back sorta. Not gonna be mega active but I'm always up for an excuse to ignore school. Writing is fun and I feel bad leaving everyone on a cliffhanger for like a year so I owe you all that

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  • 478 weeks

    This place is gathering dust eh?
    Sorry bout that
    Not sure the status on me getting fics done. As in idk if or when they'll be finished. Technically Committee *is* finished and it has been for a really long time but im too lazy to upload. Oopsie.

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    20 comments · 490 views

Yo · 9:05am Sep 5th, 2015

This place is gathering dust eh?
Sorry bout that
Not sure the status on me getting fics done. As in idk if or when they'll be finished. Technically Committee *is* finished and it has been for a really long time but im too lazy to upload. Oopsie.
As far as I go, I can tell you what life has been like for me. I dropped out of MLP pretty much after the second Equestria Girls movie and I haven't watched any of Season 5 or heard any news or anything. I think they're making a Equestria Girls spinoff?? no idea
In any case yeah I'm still mega into danganronpa and touhou and now also madoka magica. I can't believe the hell of Love Live hasn't gotten on this site at all. That shit is crazy.
I'm mega active on tumblr if you care at all my url is monakachan and sorry for all y'all who ship Flansparce still we haven't talked in aaaaages and I've been dating someone else for almost a year. Things are kinda weird atm tho i hope we don't break up :c
Uhhh also I'm doing lots more cosplay stuff so that's cool. I still haven't finished a touhou cosplay yet. I was working on Satori but lolk came out and CLOWNPIECE so now I'm doing her first
uhhhhh idk what else to say
this doesn't mean im gonna regularly be on the site cuz I still feel mega weird being here since im like 5% into mlp still. However I'm still fond of G3 so if anything ever gets finished it'll probs be Generation. I say that all the time tho rip...
But truth is man I haven't written much at all. I've written like one original novel and that's about it and it's not even done. I'm lazy and im gonna be a sophomore in a couple days when school starts and when i do have time i work on cosplay...

oh random but also I really like Life is Strange and Rick and Morty. That's about it for new things i like i'm a pretty consistent person
also whoa all these new features on this site wtf

Report FlanChan · 490 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

Season five is strong, so if you'd care to raise those 5 percent it should be with the episodes of this season.:3

Now the question is will I ever read all the stories I was tracking that have updated 100000 times since i left

I'm considering watching them soon
The only one I know the plot of is the opener so I'd be going in pretty blind for the first time ever

Trust me, it will be fun. Though your mileage may vary, I've found more all-time favourite episodes in this season alone than in any of the seasons in the past together. :pinkiehappy: We seem to have entered a new era of Friendship is Magic, where more world-building and character development as well as establishment comes. We meet old faces and new faces, we dare introduce more serious topics. (Seriously, there is an episode about death, and one about self-harm)

yeeesh ponies have taken quite the turn
not that that's a bad thing I always liked G1's darker themes (except those were just 2edgy things instead of actual meaningful episodes which i assume FiM has now)

Of course, FiM does try to be a bit tactful with this as it always has been, really, so that it can entertain the minors and teach the older viewers some valuable lessons. Yes, episodes still ring meaningful and true. (There has always been nightmare fuel material, but this season may have some more lingering fuel. Nothing can ever match King Sombra for all the fuel he represents were you to think about it, but this season, just this season is lovely for all the good things I find~)

I hope you'll have an enjoyable experience watching all episodes. :3 The next episode will be in nine days. You almost completely missed a few weeks-long hiatus, which makes you quite fortunate.

Is the season almost over? And also did I miss any Equestria Girls stuff because I haven't been keeping track on that either (although I did get really excited when they teased the human world Twilight at the end of Rainbow Rocks)

We seem to be mid-season at the moment. The latest episode served as a finale of sorts before the hiatus, which I'm assuming was set in place to allow work on other content to be made efficiently without development hell. (It was originally going to last for three months, but for whatever reason there no longer was a need for it, so episodes return next week.:3) The third movie, Equestria Girls: Friendship Games does include a certain character in it. A trailer and a few shorts promoting the movie has been released. If you want to go in blind, I recommend only watching the shorts.

What you be thinking of Usami
What you think of Last Occultism

Well, I got into Star vs. the Forces of Evil. Like, really hard, something that actually hits what I used to be for MLP, although it doesn't quite match-up. I've lost a good amount of my interest in MLP as well, although not quite as much. Seriously though, could you upload the rest of THaPoMC? If you don't want to, then it's fine, but I'd like to see the rest of it.



Late reply is late cuz mobile doesn't want me to post comments
I'm probably going to watch season 5 in a few days once school starts and I get my school laptop. I'm glad I missed a lot of the ungodly hiatuses x-x

Shit I forgot how awful a cliffhanger I left committee on o-o"
I have one chapter done but I haven't published it yet, the rest still need proofreading. I'll get around to it, there's only five more chapters left after all

Do people really miss me here?
I'm only popular cuz of Dunsparce and cuz I'm like 15
So I guess I have that endearing quality going for me :v

3372545 I'd be more than happy to proofread it, but I'm not exactly qualified for it and I'm sure you either have a proofreader or can find another.

Actually I don't have a proofreader tbh
I need to switch over all the names and terminology (cuz I wrote it to be an original story for whatever reason but it's basically a pony story) but yeah you can probs proofread if you wanna

I've become an editor in your absence, (since I now suck at writing efficiently and will publish my first proper full-length story when I'm ninety or something :derpytongue2:) so I could help you with such things, if you like.

That sounds good. I hope you'll enjoy everything. There is so much to that everything.:yay: Also, Sumireko is my second favourite character in Touhou.

rick and morty is pretty good

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