• Member Since 4th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen July 2nd


I love my little pony so much I want to write my own stories, just to be able express my thoughts and feeling freely just feels super great.

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  • 490 weeks
    Paused... But Not Canceled

    Hey everypony,
    I'm here to report that one of my stories will be on pause for a while, and I don't know how long.
    Well... Happy Reading Everypony.

    25 comments · 612 views

Paused... But Not Canceled · 9:07pm Mar 6th, 2015

Hey everypony,
I'm here to report that one of my stories will be on pause for a while, and I don't know how long.
Well... Happy Reading Everypony.

Comments ( 25 )

I disnt get this new until now so I'm sorry for asking this now but why is the stoy going on hold???

3494587 oh I get it since you are not done with the first you wanted to wait until you get done with the first right???

3494726 okay so when is the next chapter for the first story going to be posted???

3494734 Wow... caught up already? I have writer's block....

3494752 oh I don't know if this helps but I like reading other fanfics to clear or dance around in my room to clear my head or watch some mlp videos hope that helps

3494765 welcome and I hape you have a good day

3494768 you too and the writes block is gone and i'm halfway
through with writing the chapter once again...

3494778 Listening to music and read some of my other stories...

3494783 I can see howthat would do the trick

3494795 normal doesn't work but i guess it did this time...

Hey how have you been?

3580411 very worried I can't seem to find out what to write to finish the next chapter

3581417 have you tryed opening a new world doc and just wirte a bunch of random endings in it for the chapter put each idle on ts own page in the doc andthen look back at all of them wile having that doc next to what you have for the next chapter and see which one fits the best. You don't even need to worry about not think of anything that is for sheir because if it is on a seperit world doc you don't have to woery about finding all you donr like in your finle copy to get rid of you can just make a bunxh of randome sruff for fun mixt with what you might be depatting on doing. You might have many idles how the chapter could end so it is a good way to have it down but yet not mixing in with the finle copy. Or if you got no idle it is a good way to let out some steam with a changch you might find what you are looking for. I hope this might help if not thwn I'm sorry for the idle.

3583274 it works but I'd better take a brake from writing

3584672 that is okay I understand and I'm glade that the idle helped

3584681 thank you for your help

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