• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th, 2021


Neardy little fanfic reader who is trying to make her own. Love talking and you can allways feel free to send a PM.

  • TMoon and Stars
    Dreams. The one place where we can express our deepest secrets and desires without having to fear anypony ever finding out. After all, in our dreams we're all alone...or are we? Some say there is a mare, who protect and control our dreams...
    keam · 8.1k words  ·  85  6 · 2.3k views

More Blog Posts712

  • 315 weeks

    I was in my second year of middle school when I started here on this site

    Five years later I'm graduating from HS!!!

    15 comments · 406 views
  • 323 weeks
    Since I'm not on here too much

    Since i'm not on here too much - I check in every now and then, so you can pm if you want but I'm not all that active otherwise tbh - I thought I'd onxe again share my other medias where we can talk:

    Tumblr - Gemvictorfromtheponyverse (main) and Hiimbiroace (sideblog). Also run drwhoicons

    Instagram - Aesteticfandomdreams

    Discord - name is Keam, pm if you want to connect there!

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    2 comments · 353 views
  • 324 weeks
    Happy easter!

    Happy easter! I'm going to Italy tomorrow!

    2 comments · 371 views
  • 324 weeks
    This site is probsbly the best thing to ever happen to me

    So, let me explain:

    It was bc of this site i started writing Fanfiction. I discobered the joys of writing and I started writing more and more.


    One of my fanfics (that i co-write with another amazing human) was read by the actress playing one of the characters we wrote about.

    She said she loved it and called us talented!!!!

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    14 comments · 381 views
  • 324 weeks
    This site is probsbly the best thing to ever happen to me

    So, let me explain:

    It was bc of this site i started writing Fanfiction. I discobered the joys of writing and I started writing more and more.


    One of my fanfics (that i co-write with another amszing human) was read by the actress playing one of the characters we wrote about.

    She said she lived it and called us talented!!!!

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    2 comments · 311 views

New story's up! Go read!!! · 6:52pm Feb 13th, 2015

Sooo, my Heart's and Hooves Day collaboration with SchratchnTavi is up for you all to read! The prologue is posted and the other 3 chapters and epilogue will come tomorrow! :D

(It's tagged)

Report keam · 147 views · Story: Moon and Stars ·
Comments ( 42 )

Didn't that story have a cover art?

No, why'd you think that?

2793526 I thought I saw it when the story was posted...

Sorry, I am quite tired (drained after writing :twilightsheepish:) and I tend to see/assume things then

No, no cover art yet.

I hope to find one.

2793597 I hope you do that soon ^^

2793605 :D

*Doesn't know when he's allowed to use a Picture for cover-art, so he simply skips that*


(I try to ask, especially since I now got a DA. But sometimes I skip. But I always credit properly.)

(Deviant Art?)


(When we meet in Lund, you have permission to slap me for not realizing that) (Avoid my ear though)

(Okay. If I can remember it, I will. And I'll avoid the ear.)


(Good. Also, my parents were wondering what activities there were there, do you remember?)


(It's different from time to time, I'd guess, since it mostly base off what you can do in the area.)


(So, 9K Kr for food, living, readings and smaller activities?)

(I'd not say small. We for example got to go to a place not too far away and do höghöjdsbanor (no idea what the English word is), the welcome dinner had magicabs and acrobats, and we got a free pass for the hole week at badhuset (again, I do not know what to call it). And the food is really good. And travelling should also be included.)

2793737 for how long is this again?

A week. It's between the 23-28 of June

2793757 the chance that my parents pay for everything just increased.

Lol what?

2793761 they are slightly reluctant about this due to the price... Worst case scenario I'll end up paying for it...

I see. Well, it is 1 week, travel, food, activities, place to sleep etc. But just so you know, you need to bring something tto sleep on and in. (I'll just have a liggunderlag and a sleeping bag.)

I'll have to remember bringing stuff to bath in...

*objective for this summer: loosing the tiny amount of fat on my belly*

And I think I can remember that...


(Goal for this summer: Not looking so fat. No, but seriously, my real goal is to remember bringing those dresses to Lund. And Spike. Always Spike.)

2793832 ;)

What dresses? (Is my memory failing me now?)

Now I'm tempted to steal Spike for one night and hug him like a five year old would hug their stuffed animal without giving a fuck about other ppls opinion...

2793841 =)

Some really nice ones I got at home. (No, you've never seen them)

Don't you dare! I will protect my Spiky-wiky! >:)

Uh what is going on here :pinkiegasp:

And my name is wrong here too damn it keam :facehoof: :scootangel:

2793847 x3

Ah, I see.

But I can act like: That guy is obviously gay and there's no doubt about it. And make it all awkward for the guys D:

Damn ipad autocorrect! XP



2793869 speaking in falsetto will fool them all :pinkiecrazy:

And I might even have a decent female voice... I have to mess with some ppl with that...

XD If I didn't have my big 'shelf', I'd pretend to be a guy.

2793877 bring a hoodie.... You could fool some xD (weird fact: until the end of eight grade my breasts were bigger than the ones of a girl in my class... ... Don't judge me)

With makeup, I would've been able to pass as a girl, if it wasn't for my shoulders... Kinda..

Yeah...wouldn't hurt trying! :D

2795176 hm... Pretend that we are each other? 0_o

That'd be hilarious xD

Not really what I meant...I just meant I'd try and pretend to be a guy.

2795280 ik :3

Just thought it'd be kinda funny :3

2795419 :3

So, how's your day been so far?

okay. found some awesoem mlp bases on DA

2795554 that's good :3

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