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    Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit

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Shimmerverse: The Races of Ponies (The Main Tribes) · 8:17pm Jan 14th, 2015

And I continue with more facts and theories I have for the Shimmerverse. Today's topic will be the three tribes of Equestrians: Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns.

Earth Ponies:

Of the three races, Earth Ponies are the most numerous. This is due to a number of reasons. Earth Ponies are hardier than either of the other two, able to take blows, kicks, and falls that would easily kill a unicorn or pegasi. This can be attributed to their thick hides and almost steel like bones. They are also quick healers, so non-fatal injuries (some of which could be death sentences for other races) can be treated well enough. Though, they still need outside help for the more severe cases. Because of this, and their more durable stomachs, they can survive in pretty much any environment.

Earth Ponies are close with nature. An Earth Pony can gain energy from the earth and plants around them and give it back just as well. This can help give them boosts of strength and endurance, allowing them to perform feats they couldn't do on their own. While they might not be the fastest race, they can last the longest, with being able to run for days without rest. (Though that is with the more 'fit' members of the sub-species. Not everyone is a long distance runner.) They are also strong enough to lift objects several times their weight and are usually given the heaviest, thickest armor during battle and weapons up to their own size.

Because of their affinity with nature, some Earth Ponies can become druids. Druids are ponies who can utilize the earth and plants, tapping into the 'druidic' magic of the planet. As such, they can perform feats stronger than most unicorns in this area and are a force to be reckoned with.

Another reason for their success is of their fertility. While unicorns and pegasi both have certain times of the year when they can have foals, Earth Ponies are fertile all year round. As well, courtship among Earth Ponies isn't as long or 'picky' as other races, who usually draw out the courtship phase. Of course, going up to modern times, it has been constricted a tad with modern ideology and religion, but nonetheless, Earth Ponies are still the most numerous, taking up a good portion of the populace of Equestria.

Earth Ponies have very versatile tails, which can be used to grab and manipulate objects; such as weapons, writing utensils, etc. They are also strong enough to smack or smash items. (As pictured above.) For this reason, Earth Ponies prefer to keep their tails long as otherwise they would have to rely on doing such things with their mouths. They can as much as any pony can, but it is preferable to either use their tail or their own hooves.


The second most common race of the main tribes, Pegasi feel more at home in the air then on the ground. In fact, before the creation of the modern Equestria ponies know today, pegasi rarely ever touched the surface of the earth unless they absolutely had too. Pegasi have a need to fly that surpasses any other real urge and causes grounded ponies to become twitchy wrecks because of their inability.

Pegasi are the most warlike of the races. While they have a need to fly, they also have an innate need to fight. As such, ancient pegasi were always looking for conflict, starting it with other pony races, sapiants, monsters, or even other pegasi cities. While they are far more complacent today, they still carry within them this instinct and they make up most of Equestria's fighting forces and most of the most famous soldiers in Equestria are pegasi.

The most obvious reason for this is their diet: Pegasi are omnivorous with favor towards meat. While the other pony races can't process or even stomach the stuff, pegasi are fully capable of ripping bones clean with their teeth alone. While they prefer meat, as it helps build muscle, they do still have to eat plants which is why they did eventually come to the ground and start trade with Earth Ponies.

Because of their warlike nature, pegasi had a very virtuous honor code and form of combat. They would rather stick to it and die, rather than disobey a direct order or tarnish their family honor. In ancient times, pegasi children were judged at birth, with sickly ones being cast down to the ground. As well, they are given another test at the stage of adolescence: Fly or Die. Obviously, such customs have been weeded out, much to chagrin of traditionalist pegasi.

A pegasi's wing is just as versatile. if not more so, as an Earth Pony's tail, though not as strong. They can wield objects of easy enough sizes, even weapons. A skilled pegasi can wield up to four weapons, two on their forehooves and two in their wings. (Though they can't really fly when doing so.) The feathers on their wings can also be balled up, for punching (which matters on the fitness of the pegasi to how that goes) or other signals. {Such as flipping the bird...It's a very rude gesture in pegasi culture, which other races simply don't get or find stupid.} Some thieves even use their feathers to pick locks.

Their most remarkable feature is their affinity with weather. While an Earth pony can control the earth and plants, a pegasus can manipulate the weather and temperature around them. While the most common trick for a pegasus is the manipulation of clouds, more skilled individuals can actually use this a step further. Such as in the picture above, pegasi can generate bolts of lightning at opponents or around themselves. They can also freeze the area around them, creating shards or swords made up of ice; create blazing infernos; tornados; or in some cases, go so fast that they are nearly invisible. These, however, take time to master and not everyone can do it, such as how not all Earth Ponies have the potential for massive druidic powers. The most notable ponies that can are the Wonderbolts, who spend years perfecting their talents.

Pegasi have keen eyes that can see farther then the other two pony races. This was a trait developed due to their fast paced, airborne lives as well as helping out in their hunts for meat.


Unicorns, of the three races, are the least common of the bunch. This is due to their long courtships and sparse fertile periods. Of course, since their race lives the longest, with individuals expected to live up to two hundred years {with some living past that due to their magical power} it's to be expected. This resulted in the ancient unicorns to be more conservative and isolationist in order to preserve their sub-species. However, given the nature of modern Equestria, their numbers have steadily become more common, but they have little major presence outside of unicorn hotspots, such as Canterlot.

Their main defense and what gives them an edge over other races is their magic. While earth ponies had druidic energies and pegasi elemental, Unicorns have a much more varied and more easily obtained source of energy from which to draw from. To which, a unicorn 'can' learn both the ways of pegasi and earth ponies, though they won't have the instinctual advantage the other two races have nor the versatility in those areas. However, unicorns have a much broader spectrum of means to which they can achieve their goals. From simple levitation to teleportation, a unicorn can master any number of spells.

Of course, they can also forget them however unlikely. Unicorns have increased brain activity, meaning they are in a sense smarter than either races and have easier times remembering things. This is attributed to their magical affinity. Spells are complicated business with several things that can go horribly wrong. Yet, unicorns can perform such things with little effort or thought, since they've already processed every piece of a spell. Their brains are hardwired to work out complex combinations and patterns, storing the information, and bringing it out in milliseconds to do the job. They are perfect multitaskers as they can perform several feats and spells simultaneously. Most of Equestria's leading scientists, doctors, and philosophers are unicorns.

Unicorns have nimble bodies, making them quick and agile. However, they are the frailest of the races and are more susceptible to injury and diseases. Their strong innate magic can ward off most viruses and such things from taking route and giving them enough energy to survive some injuries at least long enough to receive aid. They can also sense the aura of other creatures, indicating moods or health.

Pony general biology:
While they may have their differences, there are some qualities that they all do possess.
Such as manipulative hooves. Each and every pony race can use their hooves to pick up and use objects at will. Scientists have deduced it down to two aspects of their hooves. The first is that ponies have several bones in their hooves that flex and move more individually than a normal hoof of, say, a cow. The second is that ponies have a layer of fibers similar to that of geckos on their hooves which, at the will of the owner, can be used to pick up objects they normally can't. (Of course, it's not as strong as geckos, so no ponies just climbing up walls. Unless you have wings and can fake it, or just use a spell. So no natural way.)

Ponies do have the ability to stand, walk, and run on their hind hooves in a bipedal fashion. It is uncomfortable and takes practice and balance. However, it has been proven effective in warfare and such.

Report Evowizard25 · 577 views · Story: A Different Sunset ·
Comments ( 13 )

I like this, it fits with what we've seen with canon, but changed slightly to fit your more war-like world. My favorite part is the hooves. That inner part of the hoof is called the frog, and I always figured ponies had extremely flexible frogs, making the hoof about as manipulative as a hand in a thick mitten.

Where did you get the pictures?

2722693 I randomly found them on google. I thought they fit my purpose spectacularly.

Huh, interesting. In my AU unicorns have the shortest lifespans.

2722821 Well, I decided to derive it from their mythical counterparts. Because unicorn (ponies) are so intune with magic, said connection keeps them purified and able to function longer.

2723129 Me, I went off of physical durability.

As much as I like this post, there's something that I don't really get; the bone structures. Particularly, Pegasi bone structures.

Herbivores and Omnivores both have different sets of teeth that correlate to their eating habits. So does that mean Pegasi have teeth much similar to omnivore teeth? And the wing bones, too. How do you ball up your wing bones to make a fist? Or fold it to hold weapons?

One: Yes, yes they do.

Two: Flutershy in the show is shown to be able to manipulate her bag well enough. So, I based that off of it.

Hm, really interesting :duck: I agree with your analysis. Just one thing though...

Of course, it's not as strong as geckos, so no ponies just climbing up walls. Unless you have wings and can fake it, or just use a spell. So no natural way.

Then how do you explain this?

2738116 .......Pinkie Pie. I don't think I really need much more explanation.....Okay, some ponies have better traction, but yeah...curse that mare's toon logic. It gets in the way of science.


Pinkie Pie: I fought the law (of physics) and I won :pinkiehappy:

Will Evil Counterparts and/or Shadow Archetypes to Sunset and her friends appear in the Shimmerverse?

3823459 If I have to say, Gingersnap of Fanning Our Flames is a sort of Shadow Archetype of Sunset and I was aiming for something like that for her. So yes and there might be others in the future.

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