• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
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Your Antagonist

Shut up. Just write.

More Blog Posts59

  • 351 weeks
    Formal Retirement From Fimfic

    What's there to say? I've had a good ole' run on this site, but I think it's time I finally close the book on my MLP fanfic career. I've made lots of progress as a writer, made some good friends and had a blast doing it, but as of late, I just don't feel compelled to type away at stories about pastel-colored horses like I used to. I've tried, but the spark just won't ignite like it used to. But

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    15 comments · 1,030 views
  • 379 weeks
    Haven't done that in a while.

    Still feels all jittery and fluttery when you press the submit button. Oh, and I'm not dead yet so... yeah.

    Your Antagonist

    4 comments · 342 views
  • 427 weeks
    Soo... Anyone else here at Bronyccon?

    Been here for a few hours and I've pretty much been confined to the game room, but I'd love to meet and hang out my fellow fimfic users... If any of y'all are present of course. That said, anyone here?

    7 comments · 579 views
  • 440 weeks
    Cancelled yet INcomplete Stories #1 Having Your Cake And Eating Her Out Too (secret scenario)

    Warning/ Disclaimer: The following chapter contains depictions of sexual acts between two female, cartoon horses, one of whom is below the age of consent in certain states and countries, but not all. If this offends you, never forget: this isn’t real and no one is making you read this, so just suck it up and make better decisions.

    Having Your Cake and Eating Her Out Too

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    5 comments · 515 views
  • 443 weeks
    Cancelled but complete stories#2: Everything's Wrong But At Least I've Got You Chapter 2

    The second chapter of that last blog story if anyone wanted a little more of that story (and I doubt anyone did).

    Everything’s Wrong, But At Least I’ve Got You

    Written By: Your Antagonist

    And That Night, She Dreamt Of That Day

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This is how my mind works on skype · 12:31am Dec 27th, 2014

I thought this was interesting skype chat transcript and I'm sick of looking at my last blog post already so:

Your Antagonist: Name removed for reasons, I... I am curious about something.
Your Antagonist: Can I ask you a super personal question?
Your Antagonist: In this public forum.
Your Antagonist: Like I have done before
Name removed for reasons: Sure
Ian Vega-Cerezo AKA Your Antagonist: Do you and He who dicks it deep partake in the sexual past time known as "the moneyshot?"
Name removed for reasons: Once, and never again
Your Antagonist: XD
Your Antagonist: Hold on, I'm still laughing.
Your Antagonist: I can't stop picturing this scene...
Your Antagonist: May I describe this scene for you?
Your Antagonist: Too bad, I'm gonna do it anyway.
Name removed for reasons: Sure? XD
Name removed for reasons: Ill have to respond later, though. Starting work in like 5 minutes
Your Antagonist: I see you two getting it on doggy style on a race car bed for some reason, He who dicks it deep face is screwed up in rigid concentration while you bite a pillow and try to not moan too loudly for fear of relatives hearing you through incredibly thin walls. Then after what seems like an eternity of love making, He who dicks it deep just can't hold it back any longer. In fit of passion he throws you to floor with an apelike roar and, faster than the world can catch up with you, he leaps down and seizes you by the hair and pulls you up to his waist height, all the while furiously beating his cock. You look up and are horrified to see his face: cheeks beet red, teeth grit in frustration, eyes rolled up into his head and a vein pulsing out the side of his temple. Then in the next instant, he blasts you with a shot of jizz so powerful, it hit you in the jaw like sweet chin music and you're out like a fucking light. A moment later, he stumbles forward and collapses on top of you where you both lie unconscious for a small eternity. Unbeknownst to you both, the closet door slides open slowly, oh so slowly, and out scurry Tiny Asian Hero and Some Elvis haired cunt, both in little devil costumes, one holding a huge video camera, the other with a boom mic.
Your Antagonist: That's what ran through my mind.
Your Antagonist: I apologize.
fallinwinter: For the record: First of all, it wasn't devil costumes. Second, I work alone.
fallinwinter: If you must know it was a business casual attire. Need to be neat while on the job.
Your Antagonist: Nyuck

Hope y'all are hating your Holidays.
Your Antagonist

Report Your Antagonist · 354 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Add me on Skype please.
It's Ltmajordude

Yeah... this sounds like a few of the conversations I often have lol

A moneyshot like sweet chin music. Thank you for that amusing mental image.

Then in the next instant, he blasts you with a shot of jizz so powerful, it hit you in the jaw like sweet chin music and you're out like a fucking light.

I wanna hear Shawn Michael's music in a porno now. A wrestling porno.

Also, add me on Skype, please: yawgmoth.is.here
You seem very amusing XD

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