I Read That In A Book Once: Now In Audio! · 1:34am Nov 23rd, 2014
I just cannot words right now. What I'm going to do is huck this non-drunkenly written slice of random Rarijack comedy at you, because Scribbler just recorded an audio reading of it.
It is beyond captivating -- she brings those silly words to life so well I shiver to think what she does with the work of better authors. Nevertheless, Scribbler, the gesture is nothing but appreciated from the well of my soul. This was a delightful surprise in an already good evening.
Have at ye! ... beneath the break, to spare everyone's feeds an extra obnoxious embed.
Feels good bro, dunnit? :D
I never get tired of that coverart. Twilight should have amended that with "I read that in a fanfic once, that I wrote, which I never meant to let you gals in on, and am I still talking out loud?" or not. xD
2611711 That would have totally been in character for her. I wish I'd come up with that!