• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen January 11th


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More Blog Posts11

  • 473 weeks
    Couch is writing again?

    Uh, probably not. At least, not according to the requirements or expectations this site might have for writing. Furthermore, it's only a 300-word drabble on Tumblr right now.

    But it's there. Or hit the break for a synopsis and an extra link to what's there now.

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    2 comments · 568 views
  • 478 weeks
    Why I Deleted Sunset Shimmer Has A Problem

    Writing long blog posts on a phone stinks, but TL;DR: much as I like Sunset Shimmer, I'm not a fan of the series she's lashed to. So I'm just going through and removing stuff I've done that had anything to do with EqG, and then I'm silent on the topic forever more.

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    6 comments · 619 views
  • 486 weeks
    Juvenile Cephalopods, Productivity, and the Tricking Myself into the Latter Thereof Via Exploiting the Former

    So while every single one of my friends are heading to Baltimore this weekend to horse around, I finally went and bought myself a Wii U and Splatoon. If at any given moment you also have Schrodinger quandaries concerning your status as kid or squid, add my Nintendo Network ID: couchcrusader, and we can stomp some pubs together.

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    3 comments · 422 views
  • 490 weeks
    Closure vs. Creation

    Hey I finally took off the Santa hat

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    10 comments · 621 views
  • 494 weeks
    Couch's Thoughts on Episode 100

    Let me begin by saying there's a lot of valid criticism out there about, well, everything to do with this episode -- its premise, its execution, its intent, its impact on future episodes, its inpact on the fandom, and so on. It's far from perfect, or, dare I say it, great. I'm right there with many folks when I say it came across as a checklist of rote fan-inspired items Larson and

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    9 comments · 502 views

Possible fun little side-project with Fluttershy and... not exactly her friends · 3:08pm Nov 22nd, 2014

NorsePony recently dropped this rather intriguing article about writing novels -- specifically, the Nine Things You Need in order to accomplish such.

It's great reading on its own, but as I'm wont to do, I found my biggest takeaway wasn't remembering what those Nine Things Were at all. Rather, it was this declaration:

In a way, writing is saying to your loved ones, ‘Go away, because I want to talk to you’. I want to talk to you in a more articulate and truthful way than I ever could if you were there in front of me. ‘Go away, because I want to talk to you.’

Those three sentences do a better job of summing up my past year. I just couldn't write much, but I just didn't feel much like engaging with folks because I had nothing to show them. Vicious spiral, that.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because that's pretty much what I've been telling folks for most of this week, too -- Button Cash WILL receive its final chapter by next week, so help me God. But more importantly! I've had this other idea rooted in my brain for a little while now, though only just recently it stopped being a fic and demanded to be something more, even as I forget what catalyst came crashing in like a Miley Cyrus song you were just about to forget. It's something I've already faltered on in that I've told one person about the driving conceit behind it, but otherwise I've labored to keep it away from other peoples' eyes to avoid poisoning my momentum with complacency.

Wow, I really dig into the dollar words when I'm sleep-deprived. In a nutshell, we follow Fluttershy on a journey that takes her into the heart of the Everfree Forest, but there's a thing or eight out of place.

It's 7 AM, I've been at this since about 9 the previous night, and it means tons to me that you stopped by to take a look at this. I'll probably spin up a Tumblr for it soon -- I'm just struggling with what to call it at the moment.

Also, go listen to some Walk the Moon, 'cause I've had them on repeat for the past 48 hours and I'm not stopping.

- Couch

Report CouchCrusader · 697 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

It just never ends with you. Spider Rarity, Spider Fluttershy...

What next, Spider Celestia?

(Looking forward to the tumblr)

2609912 Yo, SPR happened after I came up with Spidershy. Still a little salted over the fandom's choice of arachnimare, but it's a call to action to get off my ass and make shit happen!

Not everyone's a spider in this universe, just to head that question off, though.

Author Interviewer

p. much this

Is there something you need to tell us, Couch? :V

Also you put your stories back up, hurray! :D

2609914 That you didn't know already?

Author Interviewer

Well, you know what happens when you assume things...

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