• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2015


Providing a realistic simulation of life on a natural satellite since 2012

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  • 467 weeks

    Hey everybody. Sorry for the random disappearance again. I was having some severe technical difficulty with my laptop, which made writing an exercise in futility at best and an outright impossibility at worst.

    Also I got really hooked on Stargate: SG-1.

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  • 478 weeks
    Another case of most likely no chapter

    Hey all. Vash here. Unless a miracle happens and I suddenly no longer require sleep, I'm simply not going to have time to write the next chapter this week. Additionally, seeing as Chapter 25 is likely going to be the last chapter of the main story (I do have a (short?) epilogue planned), I'm gonna be taking extra effort to make sure the story ends how I feel it should, so it will probably take a

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  • 480 weeks
    Friggin' swamped, probably no new DoJKS chapter

    So yeah title really

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  • 483 weeks
    Midterms this week, likely no new chapter

    Title pretty much covers it. Three exams in three days. I figured for sure not having work this week would give me plenty of time to write a new chapter, then midterms happened. I'll try to get a new chapter out on Friday, but the odds are pretty slim. See you all next week, hopefully.

    Love and Peace,

    0 comments · 584 views
  • 486 weeks
    This week, future updates

    So, as some of you may or may not be aware, I updated late last week because my work schedule suddenly lost it's crap. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to be working Tuesday evenings for the foreseeable future - and possibly Thursday evenings as well. I have per-existing stuff on Wednesdays, too. So, updates are going to be either Monday nights (if I can get chapter 18 done by tonight - I

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Hey. · 12:28am Oct 22nd, 2014

I feel like an apology is in order. I'm sorry. I disappeared, with no explanation, and stayed gone for far too long. Real life caught up to me and my interest in writing fanfiction gradually declined until it was, essentially, not present.

So I am sorry. I am very sorry. I hope my return can make it up to you somehow.

As for stories and writing, well, there's good news and bad news. Good news is, priority number one right now is finishing "Defender of Justice, King Sombra!" with "I love you, Mom and Dad" as a secondary. There'll probably be a handful of one-shots tossed in here and there, as well. The bad news is, I am officially cancelling "Adventures of a 'Schoolteacher'." I bit off more than I could chew and really didn't have a solid direction for that fic, and even if I at one point did, it's long forgotten. "WipEout Pony: The PX-450 League" is also... not cancelled, but I'm calling it "Indefinite Hiatus." I do not currently have plans to finish it, but perhaps once I finish DoJKS and ILYM&D, I may get around to it.

So that's where we're at.

Love and Peace,

Comments ( 4 )

Glad to have you back! :pinkiehappy: what spurred the return?

Holy fuck... Welcome back man.

Heh, thanks. Nothing in particular really got me back, I guess. Just a bit of nagging (well, nagging is a strong word) from my pre-reader and the idea for It's Been A While got lodged in my head and wouldn't leave. But yes, I'm back, hooray.

Glad to see you back Vash. ^^ I noticed you wrote a new story in the True Love Never Changes universe. Will you be doing more stories set there now in between the ending of that story and this one & onward?

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