• Member Since 18th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2015

Arya Stark

"Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water.”.......... I am Arya Stark. 'Nuff said. ;D

More Blog Posts34

  • 514 weeks
    My Dog Sh*ts on Command

    So there we were; me and Rocky [my canine best friend forever] in the Dog Training Club. Though ‘club’ sort of degrades the term; this place is freaking boot camp for dogs and humans. I kid you not, I have the hardest time not saluting the teacher, who we will call “Sargent Caron”, or bellowing out ‘Yes ma’ame!” when she instructs us. I can tell the other trainees have just a hard time,

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  • 514 weeks

    I just received this message;

    Leaving the site. Eating the bullet soon. Or several depending on how many it takes. Take care of yourself, Kristina.

    Stay away from burned voices. They've nothing to offer you but ashes.

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  • 515 weeks
    Right Vs Left Brain...Now We Know Men's Brains...

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  • 515 weeks
    Heh, look at this!!

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    Does anyone else think this amusing? No? The devil's number, and then....? Yeah, its probably just me. ^^

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  • 515 weeks
    How Do The Lost Get Found?

    I am...

    Wandering in blackness
    Clawing at the darkness
    Blindly screaming
    Crying for help;

    Can't cry though
    Heart of black hardens the tears

    What heart?
    Is that where this pain comes from?
    Or is it all in the mind?

    I am so Lost..

    How do the Lost get Found?

    22 comments · 507 views

How Do The Lost Get Found? · 1:48pm Sep 8th, 2014

I am...

Wandering in blackness
Clawing at the darkness
Blindly screaming
Crying for help;

Can't cry though
Heart of black hardens the tears

What heart?
Is that where this pain comes from?
Or is it all in the mind?

I am so Lost..

How do the Lost get Found?

Report Arya Stark · 507 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

How do the Lost get Found?

They usually ask for help. :pinkiesmile:

2437990 Yeah.....I suppose. This is more of an eternal matter though, deep within that nobody can reach to, you know? :/

Trying to talk to others about it tends to help with introspection as well. :twilightsmile: Whenever I can't reconcile something myself, I talk to others about it, and the simple act of having to put things into words tends to simplify it and make it a lot less overwhelming to my mind. Then I can handle it as a simple problem, not some abstract only in my head kind of problem.

2438221 Conversely, I find that talking doesn't help me at all. If it's something like that, it always seems like while they are trying to help, they don't really understand where I'm coming from most of the time, and I just get more confused trying to talk to them. Usually, I prefer to do things by myself, although I can see why it helps a lot of people. I probably find it non helpful because I spend so much time by myself that I just can't explain it properly, or they don't understand what I'm thinking. It's probably just me, but meh.

2438488 I concur. That, or if I do bother to tell, they are judgmental jerks.

2438508 Thanks? I think? It was just what came out, you know? :/

Don't worry. It was a compliment.

2438575 Thanks ^^ You should see my other stuff, then.........

I tried to come up with a pithy answer to the question "how do the lost get found", and I couldn't. I think the lost get found when they keep moving forward. Because as long as your moving you aren't lost, you're just taking a detour. (that was kinda pithy).

2438941 I totally agree thank you

How do the lost get found? Well...filing a missing persons report with the local police is usually the best step. And if the person is lost in a dark area, he/she should carry a reflective belt on their person and/or some glowsticks. Screaming loudly also helps.

2439089 That is sooooooooooooo not what I meant, but all true facts too I suppose. ^^


"True facts?" That's redundant. Did you need to know that? Too bad, I'm telling you, regardless. Also, the gestation period of the gray seal is roughly 11.5 months.

2439110 You.....where have you been all my life?? XD XD XD


Where've I been all your life? Well...you're 19, and I'm 26, so...:

- Nineteen years in the Southeastern United States

- Four years overseas in various hellholes serving in the USMC

- The rest of my remaining years back in the Southeast

Where were you this entire time?

2439202 You...are so...bloody...LITERAL! XD

Narnia, Middle earth, and finally boring 'ole Earth as of last year.


I'm bloody? Bloody as an adjective? Are you British?

Also, NERD!!

2439831 Oi! The only language aside from English that I know fuently is Elvish, from LoTR, and I've been called worse than that, so THANK YOU. :p


It's quite alright. I'm not a nerd myself, but I find it endearing in some people. You are one of these people.

2439873 That picture disturbs me and amuses me at the same time, so I am not quite sure the noise I just made was entirely human. O.o

Glad I am found endearing, but wait 'till I start speaking it non-stop just to annoy you.


I think this fucking needle is dirty. Fitting. Fuck it.

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