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The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

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Buckers! · 1:16pm Sep 8th, 2014

I hate it when people criticize your work without really explaining what they mean. Especially when half the time, they have no work of their own. People for god's sake write your own shit before criticizing others'. You don't deserve to do the latter until you've done the former, because the former acts as your credentials. No-one can take your critique seriously if there's fuck all to show for what you believe you know (half of which turns out to be wrong).

So until you write your own shit, fuck off back to Neverland and leave me and everyone else the hell alone. I've been writing for eight years, slowly but surely improving without help. I took a Cert IV in Professional Writing and Editing and only failed because I misplaced an assignment sheet. I don't need, nor do I want this kind of shit from hypocritical invalidated pricks who until they prove themselves worthy of criticizing, can only be judged as grammatical cultists who want to convert everyone else to their own sense of what's correct/right and what's incorrect/wrong.

I don't mind people saying whether or not they liked my stories, but don't try and correct it. I didn't ask you to be editors. I have hundreds of followers and thousands of likes. Try and dispute this, and you'll wind up like Seth Rogan here:

What do my accredited (meaning those with a fucking story in their reportoire) friends have to say on the matter? And think before you respond (*points to the above picture*)

Report The Grimm Reaper · 313 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

"You're not a chef, therefore I don't care for your opinion of the food I prepared."

2437767 the problem is there is no food. the cake is a lie!:flutterrage:

All ur stories are lies >:V
Esp. Necrosis. Which hasn't updated in awhile. And took the turn towards animu with Luna coming in with a giant sword.

You have an ego. Have fun with that.

Preach, Brother. Spread your word, because you're right.

He said he's fine with opinions, he just doesn't want those who haven't written anything to tell him how to write.

The correct form of your statement would have been "You're not a chef, so don't tell me how to cook!" Now, a comment that the dish was too salty would still be welcome.

One of the people I can't stand the most are the ones that openly comment that they "don't have to read it to know they hate it" those are the only comments I'll actually delete cause as far as I'm concern those people don't deserve to have their opinions read. As for the like or dislike button there isn't really anything you can do about that because both me and a friend of mine have at one point had more dislikes than the number of people who actually read the story. As a matter of common courtesy that I don't touch the like or dislike button until I've read someone's story.

So you're basically saying that if you haven't done anything of what you're criticizing yourself you have no say in the matter...

Say, hypothetically, I've read over 10k stories
I know what's good and bad
I'm great at grammar, so I know when you've spelt something wrong
Say I've found a ginormous plothole in your story...

but I've never written a story myself, so my criticism is automatically invalid...

Food critics can TASTE what's good and bad
''Wow, this steak was delicious''
''This steak tastes like you dipped a turd in BBQ sauce and put it on a grill''

Game critics don't need more than experience in gaming to know when a game is good or bad
Or do they need to develop their own game before they can criticize others?

Also, criticism should always be taken with a grain of salt, since it's all a matter of opinion

Thank you for finally point out that if someone hasn't written a story they don't know how hard it is to do and good criticism is fine even if it is from non writers but if you aren't going to tell someone what they do wrong SHUT UP.

2438439 spelling and grammar is fine, just don't tell people that a story is bad because it's inconsistent with the writing style of another story you've read.

I agree fully with that.

I actually think you are a pretty good writer (But I don't have much say there since I only have read 2 of your stories), and I agree that people should take every story as a new experience. I mean, you don't go to the grand canyon expecting it to be like that one trip to the Bahamas. If you did, then you would be a dried up prune before you got back home.

I agree. Also don't like it when they read just one chapter and post a review for the whole story. >.<

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