Returning to Writing Part II · 7:22pm Jul 15th, 2014
I regret not posting a blog about this like a month ago in regards to my absence since my last posting in May. I am also sorry for the lack of updates. Over the summer, I have really been trying to do multiple things at once between art, music and writing fan fiction. At the beginning of the summer it was very chaotic because I could do so much with the free time I had. I sometimes went back and forth between things very quickly. By June, I had pretty much calmed down and focused on one thing at a time. I have been mainly focusing on art and music. I am also currently in a summer class that will be done in two weeks. It was almost three weeks ago when I started writing again. Unfortunately, it is not My Little Clone Wars, but a short one-shot story to help me get back into creative writing. Once I am finished with this story and published it, I will return to My Little Clone Wars. I will re-look at a few edits I did on chapter 1 a few months ago and will continue editing it. I will then look at the already finished chapter 2 and make edits to that before posting it.